§ 156.251 COURTS.
   (A)   Whenever any room in which persons live or sleep cannot be reasonably and adequately lighted and ventilated from a front, side or rear yard, a court conforming with the provisions of this section, shall be provided on which such rooms shall open. Such court need not extend below the lowest story it is required to serve.
   (B)   An outer court which extends directly to and opens for its full width on a front, side or rear yard, shall be not less than six inches wide for each foot of height above the sill of the lowest window served by it nor, in any case, less than six feet wide. The length of such court, measured perpendicular to the width, shall not exceed twice such width unless such width conforms to the requirements of division (C) below.
   (C)   An inner court which does not extend directly to nor open for its full width on a front, side or rear yard shall be not less than nine inches wide for each foot of height above the sill of the lowest window served by it nor, in any case, less than ten feet.
(Ord. passed 3-10-1993)