The general requirements of the Development Plan shall:
   (A)   Provide for a public water supply and public sanitary sewer facilities;
   (B)   Abut and have access to a federal or state highway or principal thoroughfare as designated on the State Major Highway Plan;
   (C)   Be consistent with the Comprehensive Master Plan;
   (D)   Not adversely affect neighboring property;
   (E)   Meet all the requirements of the zoning ordinance, unless specifically varied or waived by conditions attached to the Development Plan;
   (F)   Be subject to all conditions on the Development Plan approval;
   (G)   Satisfy any requirement of written assurances or financial responsibility to assure the completion of the proposed improvements; and
   (H)   The streets within the development unit project shall be paved according to county specifications, maintained in good condition and lighted at night. The County Engineer shall determine the minimum width.
(Ord. passed 3-10-1993; Ord. 2007-004, passed 5-23-2007)