(A)   (1)   The Citizens Advisory Board may be requested to offer recommendations on a wide variety of matters. The Board will act in an advisory capacity on matters of policy. The Board will act in a review capacity in matters related to officer actions and internal affairs. The Board may be asked to serve in a citizens review capacity for citizen complaints in such cases where improper conduct of an officer and/or another employee is alleged. The Board may be requested to offer recommendations concerning officer and/or other employee recognition for meritorious conduct. The Board may be requested also to offer recommendations on any other matters deemed appropriate by the Sheriff.
      (2)   The focus of the Citizens Advisory Board shall be to enhance the development and adherence to professional and ethical standards by all members of the County Sheriff’s Department. The Board will enable a citizen’s review of cases involving use of force, jail and law enforcement policy, personnel policy and practice, training and education requirements.
   (B)   The Citizens Advisory Board shall make recommendations, as requested, to the County Sheriff following its review and consideration of matters relative to:
      (1)   Officer and employee actions;
      (2)   Policy and procedure;
      (3)   Policy and procedure compliance;
      (4)   Policy and procedure non-compliance;
      (5)   Professional and ethical standards;
      (6)   Internal affairs;
      (7)   Officer and/or employee performance recognition; and
      (8)   Other matters designated by the Sheriff.
   (C)   The Citizens Advisory Board shall provide advice and counsel to the Sheriff in the above areas but such advice and counsel shall not be binding upon the Sheriff, or in any way be considered as diminishing the Sheriff’s final and ultimate responsibility to administer and direct the County Sheriff’s Department in all its functions and activities and to make such decisions as the Sheriff shall determine to be necessary and appropriate in fulfilling his or her responsibilities as Sheriff of the county.
(1982 Code, § 43.04) (Ord. passed 9-5-1989)