(A)   Any specification for materials, construction and maintenance under this section has been developed from the 1999 State Department of Highway Standard Specifications and any amendment thereto, by any subsequent ordinance passed by the County Commissioners and by County Highway Department directives. If a conflict arises, any subsequent ordinance and the Highway Department directive shall prevail. Reference is made to these Standard Specifications by section and number herein.
   (B)   The following sub-headings shall be considered integral parts of this type of pavement.
      (1)   Compacted aggregate base. This item shall consist of a foundation course of compacted dense-graded aggregate placed in layers not to exceed four inches on a prepared subgrade in compliance with these specifications and § 303; except that, calcium chloride will not be required.
      (2)   HMA base. This item shall consist of a hot mixed, hot laid asphaltic concrete base course. Refer to applicable provisions of § 402.04(a).
      (3)   HMA intermediate. This item shall consist of a hot mixed, hot laid asphaltic concrete binder course. Refer to applicable provisions of § 402.04(b).
      (4)   HMA surface. This item shall consist of a hot mixed, hot laid asphaltic concrete constructed as a medium-texture course. Refer to § 402.04(c).
      (5)   Pavement types.
         (a)   Type I pavement construction shall be required for primary and secondary thoroughfares. Type I pavement shall have a 110- pound per square yard surface course, a 550- pound per square yard base course and an eight-inch compacted aggregate base.
         (b)   Type II pavement construction shall be required for collector streets. Type II pavement shall have a 110-pound per square yard surface course, a 440-pound per square yard base course and an eight-inch compacted aggregate base.
         (c)   Type III pavement construction shall be required for minor streets. Type III pavement shall have a 110-pound per square yard surface course, a 330-pound per square yard base course or binder course and an eight-inch compacted aggregate base.
(1982 Code, § 55.148) (Ord. passed 4-21-1993; Ord. passed 7-25-2001)