(A)   Minimum requirements for road construction shall be in accordance with the Standard Specifications, unless otherwise noted. These minimum specifications shall prevail over the Standard Specifications when in conflict therewith.
   (B)   Preparation for subgrade shall be done in the following way.
      (1)   All perishable or unsuitable material, including trees, shrubbery, stumps, roots and vegetation, shall be completely removed from the roadbed area and disposed of. All peat, muck, marl or any other similar unsuitable material shall be completely removed from the right-of-way and replaced with material which will hold its form. If water is present in any excavated area, backfill shall be made with material complying with § 211.02(b).
      (2)   (a)   After the embankment area has been cleared and substantially leveled, the ground shall be well compacted with a three-wheeled or a tandem roller weighing at least ten tons or crawler-tread equipment having a bearing of not less than six pounds per square inch of tread or with vibratory compactors, if material at the ground surface is granular.
         (b)   Any embankment placed on this prepared surface shall be constructed in accordance with § 203.
         (c)   After all earth work is substantially complete, the subgrade shall be cut, fine graded and dressed for the specified width to grades conforming to the profile elevations designated in the submitted proposal.
         (d)   All soft, spongy, yielding and unsuitable material that does not compact to form a nearly uniform density throughout by the use of a three-wheel or tandem roller weighing not less than ten tons, shall be removed and replaced with granular material.
      (3)   All locations not accessible to the roller shall be compacted with mechanical tamps.
      (4)   All utility service connections, sewers, drains and the like shall be constructed prior to the construction of surface treatment.
      (5)   All trenches and excavations shall be backfilled with granular material and compacted to ensure no future settlement.
      (6)   The trench bottom shall conform in shape and size to the lower third of the pipe and shall be uniformly firm and true throughout its length.
      (7)   In case a firm foundation is not encountered at the required grade, the unstable material shall be removed and replaced with suitable material to a depth that will produce a uniform and stable foundation.
(1982 Code, § 55.146) (Ord. passed 4-21-1993; Ord. passed 7-25-2001)