§ 155.124 SEPTIC SYSTEM.
   (A)   Private sewage disposal systems on individual lots, consisting of a septic tank and tile absorption field or other approved sewage disposal system, when laid out in accordance with minimum standards of the State Board of Health, on lots of at least one-half acre in area when water is supplied by a central system and at least one acre in size when water is not so supplied; or such larger areas in each case as may be required by the County Health Officer to ensure the satisfactory functioning of such private sewage disposal system.
   (B)   (1)   The plans for the installation of a sanitary system shall be prepared by the subdivider and approved by the State Board of Health, and the plans for such system as built shall be filed with the Commissioners.
      (2)   In case percolation tests are required by the Health Officer, they shall be conducted according to his or her instructions and at the subdivider’s expense.
   (C)   The phrase, “the subdivider shall provide” shall be interpreted to mean that the subdivider shall install the facility referred to, or that the subdivider shall require, as a condition of the sale of each lot or parcel in the subdivision, that the facilities referred to shall be installed by the owner of the lots in accordance with these regulations.
(1982 Code, § 55.104) (Ord. passed 4-21-1993; Ord. passed 7-25-2001)