§ 155.104 EASEMENTS.
   (A)   Where alleys are not provided, easements for utilities shall be provided. Such easements shall have minimum widths of 15 feet, and where located along lot lines, one-half of the width shall be taken from each lot. Before determining the location of easements, the plan shall be discussed with utility officials to assure their proper placing for the installation of such services. At deflection points in these easements, if overhead utility lines are contemplated, additional easements shall be established for pole-line anchors.
   (B)   (1)   Where a subdivision is traversed by a water course, drainage way, channel or stream there shall be provided a drainage easement conforming substantially with the line of such water course.
      (2)   It shall include an additional area, outside the water course, drainage way, channel or stream, of a least 15 feet wide and shall include both edges of the floodplain area as certified by the Developer's Engineer/Surveyor.
   (C)   (1)   Where a subdivision is traversed by a legal drain as defined by the Indiana drainage laws, there shall be provided a drainage right-of-way conforming substantially with the line of such drain.
      (2)   It shall include an additional area, outside the drainage way, of 75 feet on both sides of the legal drain.
      (3)   The 75 feet is to be measured at right angles to the centerline of a tile drain and to be measured at right angles from the existing top edge of each bank of an open drain as determined by the Developer's Engineer/Surveyor.
(1982 Code, § 55.74) (Ord. passed 4-21-1993; Ord. passed 7-25-2001; Ord. 2023-006, passed 7-26-2023)