In laying out a subdivision, the subdivider shall comply with the following principles and requirements.
   (A)   The subdivision shall conform to the principles, standards and proposals set forth in or contained in the Master Plan.
      (1)   Whenever a tract to be subdivided embraces any part of a highway, thoroughfare, major street or parkway, so designed on said plan, such part of such public way shall be platted by the subdivider in the location and at the width indicated on the plan.
      (2)   Where a proposed park or other recreational area, school or other public ground shown in said plan is located, in whole or in part, within the proposed subdivision, such proposed public ground or park, if not dedicated to the city, county or Board of Education, shall be reserved for acquisition by the city, county or Board of Education, as the case may be, within a period of two years by purchase or other means.
   (B)   Where held appropriate by the Commission, open spaces, constituting a reasonable proportion of the gross acreage of the subdivision, suitably located and of adequate size for parks, playgrounds or other recreational purposes for local or neighborhood use, shall be provided for in the proposed subdivision; and, if not dedicated to the city or county, as the case may be, shall be reserved for the common use of all property owners in the proposed subdivision by covenant in the deeds.
   (C)   Due regard shall be shown for all natural features, such as tree growth, watercourses, historic spots or similar conditions.
(1982 Code, § 55.70) (Ord. passed 4-21-1993; Ord. passed 7-25-2001)