(A)   Documents to be submitted.
      (1)   Engineering plans and any other prerequisites established on primary approval showing the following information:
         (a)   Profiles, typical cross-sections and specifications for proposed street improvements; and
         (b)   Profiles and other explanatory data concerning the installation of sanitary and storm sewage systems and water distribution system, including elevations, minimum lengths and sizes of all culverts, pipes, drop inlets, head walls and other drainage information.
      (2)   A plat submitted for secondary approval shall meet the following specifications.
         (a)   The original drawing of the secondary plat of the subdivision shall be drawn to a scale of 100 feet to one inch. The secondary plat shall be drawn on a sheet 24 by 36 inches in size and if the resulting drawing would be over 24 by 36 inches in size, it may be submitted on more than one sheet. The original drawing of one transparency print and three line prints of the secondary plat and all required signed certifications of approval shall be submitted to the Commission.
         (b)   Plat requirements for minor subdivision may include all or parts of the documents spelled out for a major subdivision. Prior to preparation of a plat for secondary approval, the developer shall confer with the Planning Department staff to determine what the minimum requirements are.
      (3)   The following basic information shall be shown:
         (a)   All plat boundary lines with lengths of courses to hundredths of a foot and bearings to half minutes - these boundaries to be determined by an accurate survey in the field which shall be balanced and closed with an error of closure not to exceed one foot in 10,000 feet;
         (b)   The exact location and width along the property line of all existing recorded streets intersecting or paralleling the boundaries of the tract;
         (c)   Accurate distances and directions to the nearest street corners or official monuments. Reference corners shall be accurately described on a plan. Each plat shall show bearing and distance to two monumented and referenced sections or quarter section corners and show the origin of the bearing of the lines. There shall be sufficient information on the plat to permit, in the future, accurate relocation of all property corners and street lines;
         (d)   Accurate metes and bounds description of the boundary;
         (e)   The accurate location and type of material of all permanent referenced monuments;
         (f)   Source of title to the land as shown by the books of the County Recorder:
            1.   Description of title as shown on Auditor’s transfer books; and
            2.   If more than one owner, statement of proper division of owners of separate lots as they shall be entered on Auditor’s transfer books.
         (g)   The exact layout, including:
            1.   Street and alley lines with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths of feet; their name, bearings, angles of intersection and widths (including widths along the line of any obliquely-intersecting street);
            2.   The length of all arcs-radii, points of curvature and tangent bearings;
            3.   All easements, when provided for or owned by public services (with the limitation of the easement rights definitely stated on the plat); and
            4.   All lot lines with dimensions in feet and hundredths and with bearings and angles to minutes, if other than right angles to the street and alley lines.
         (h)   Lots and blocks numbered in numerical order;
         (i)   The accurate outline and dimensions of all property:
            1.   Which is offered for dedication for public use, and of all property which may be reserved for acquisition by a public agency for such use of; and
            2.   Which may be reserved by covenant in the deeds for the common use of the property owners in the subdivision, with the purpose indicated thereon.
         (j)   In case the subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, channel, stream or creek, the present and any prior locations of such watercourse, channel, stream or creek;
         (k)   Building setback lines as fixed by Ch. 156 of this code of ordinances and any other setback lines or street lines established by public authority, and those stipulated in the deed restrictions;
         (l)   Private restrictions, if any:
            1.   Boundaries of each type of use restrictions; and
            2.   Other private restrictions for each definitely restricted section of the subdivision.
         (m)   Name of the subdivision and name and number of the largest subdivision or tract of which the tract being subdivided forms a part;
         (n)   Names and locations of adjoining subdivisions and location and ownership of adjoining unsubdivided property;
         (o)   Names and addresses of the owner of record, the subdivider and the engineer or surveyor who prepared the plat;
         (p)   North point, scale (numerical or graphic) and date;
         (q)   Statement that any lot transferred will have a width and area the same as those shown on the plat;
         (r)   Certification by a registered professional engineer or surveyor to the effect that:
            1.   The plat represents a survey made by him or her and that all monuments indicated thereon actually exist and their location, size and material are correctly shown; and
            2.   All requirements of this chapter have been fully complied with.
         (s)   A certificate by the owner of the land in substantially the following form: “As owner, I hereby certify that I caused the land described on this plat to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on the plan.” This certificate shall be executed as a conveyance is executed;
         (t)   A certificate issued by the County Treasurer to the effect that there are no unpaid special assessments on any of the land included in the plat;
         (u)   Certificate of dedication of street and of other properties offered for dedication for public uses; and
         (v)   Certificates for approval by the Commission.
(1982 Code, § 55.53)
   (B)   Secondary approval procedure.
      (1)   The Plan Commission has authority to grant secondary approval on all major plats or delegate to the Plat Committee authority to grant such approval.
      (2)   The Plat Committee shall have authority to grant secondary approval on minor plats and any other matters delegated to it by the Plan Commission.
      (3)   Secondary approval of a plat may be granted, after expiration of the time period for appeal of primary approval.
      (4)   Secondary approval does not require not ices or public hearing.
      (5)   Secondary approval request must be submitted by the petitioner to the Plan Department.
      (6)   Secondary approval may include all or only part of the primary approved plat; submission of a plat for secondary approval covering a portion of the area contained in the primary approved plat may be permitted only after consideration of the effect of the continuity of roads, utilities and services.
      (7)   When secondary approval of a plat is granted, the plat shall be certified and signed by the President and Secretary of the Plan Commission and the Commission seal shall be affixed to the plat.
      (8)   Secondary approval shall be void unless the plat is properly recorded in the office of the County Recorder within 12 months after approval. This time limit may be extended by the Plan Commission upon written request of the subdivider.
      (9)   The filing and recording of the plat is without legal effect unless secondary approval is granted by the Plan Commission or Plat Committee.
(1982 Code, § 55.54)
(Ord. passed 4-21-1993; Ord. passed 7-25-2001)