(A)   Minor subdivision.
      (1)   Review of application. For minor subdivision that does not involve the opening of new way:
         (a)   The Planning Department staff shall review the application for technical conformity with the standards fixed in the subdivision regulations;
         (b)   Within 30 days after receipt of the application, the Plat Committee shall review the application and grant primary approval or deny primary approval; and
         (c)   Within ten days after primary approval or denial, the Planning Department staff shall provide for due notice to interested parties of their right to appeal to the Plan Commission the primary approval or disapproval of the plat, or the imposition of a condition on primary approval by the Plat Committee.
      (2)   Appeals procedure.
         (a)   An applicant or other interested party may appeal to the Plan Commission the primary approval or disapproval of a plat, or the imposition of a condition on primary approval by the Plat Committee.
         (b)   A notice of appeal must be filed with the Plan Commission within ten days after a copy of the action of the Plat Committee is mailed to the interested party or applicant.
         (c)   If an appeal is filed, notices shall be given and a public hearing held by the Plan Commission in the same manner as outlined in division (B) below.
(1982 Code, § 55.50)
   (B)   Major subdivision.
      (1)   Review of application.
         (a)   The Planning Department staff shall review the application for technical conformity with the standards fixed in this chapter.
         (b)   Within 30 days after receipt of the application, the Planning Department staff shall announce the date of a hearing before the Plan Commission.
         (c)   The Planning Department staff shall transmit the plat and construction plans to appropriate agencies (utilities, government agencies and the like) as deemed necessary for review and comment. The staff shall request that a report be returned within 15 days after receipt of the request.
      (2)   Primary approval.
         (a)   If, after the public hearing, the Plan Commission determines that the application and plat comply with the requirements in this chapter, it shall make written findings and a decision granting primary approval to the plat.
         (b)   If, after the public hearing, the Plan Commission disapproves the plat, it shall make written findings that set forth its reasons and a decision denying primary approval and shall provide the applicant with a copy.
         (c)   Any decision must be signed by the Plan Commission Secretary.
         (d)   The Plan Commission has the power to approve, disapprove or impose conditions on the approval of plats.
         (e)   The primary approval by the Plan Commission of a plat must be certified on behalf of the Commission by the Plan Commission Secretary.
         (f)   Primary approval of a plat shall be effective for a period of 12 months, unless, upon request of the applicant, the Commission grants an extension.
(1982 Code, § 55.51)
(Ord. passed 4-21-1993; Ord. passed 7-25-2001)