Documents to be submitted for primary approval are as follows.
   (A)   For minor subdivision.
      (1)   The subdivider shall submit six copies of preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision, drawn to a scale of 100 feet to one inch.
      (2)   This preliminary plat does not require the precise detail of a plat for secondary approval, but shall include the following:
         (a)   Proposed name of the subdivision;
         (b)   A legal description of the subdivision;
         (c)   Name and address of the surveyor or engineer who prepared the preliminary plat;
         (d)   Layout of lots showing numbers, dimensions, areas and building setback lines;
         (e)   Right-of-way adjacent to the subdivision showing name, existing and proposed width of right-of-way, type and width of pavement;
         (f)   Proposed entrance to lots with sight distance;
         (g)   Easements, existing or proposed;
         (h)   Soil types;
         (i)   Drainage pattern to and from subdivision;
         (j)   Any information deemed necessary; and
         (k)   Names of adjoining property owners.
   (B)   For major subdivision. Note: six copies of the following information and plans shall be submitted:
      (1)   A location map is required showing the following:
         (a)   Subdivision name and location (not duplicating the name of any plat heretofore recorded in the area under the jurisdiction of the Commission);
         (b)   Thoroughfares related to the subdivision;
         (c)   Public transportation lines;
         (d)   Main shopping center;
         (e)   Community or neighborhood stores;
         (f)   Elementary and high schools, including locations of those proposed in the Master Plan;
         (g)   Parks and playgrounds, including locations of those proposed in the Master Plan;
         (h)   Zoning district boundaries and districts in the area;
         (i)   Other community features; and
         (j)   Title, scale, north point and date of preparation.
      (3)   A site map showing the following shall be submitted: topographic data in the following forms, which shall be determined by the Planning Director during preliminary consideration of the plan:
         (a)   A contour map with vertical intervals of at least two feet if the general slope of the site is less than 10%, and vertical intervals of five feet if the general slope is greater than 10%. U.S. Geological Survey (U.S.G.S.) topographic data may be used in the preparation of the preliminary plan, unless the Commission requires a topographic survey, in which case topographic data shall refer to U.S.G.S. North American Datum - Mean Seal Level Elevation;
         (b)   Watercourses, marshes, rock outcrops, wooded areas and other natural or human-made features which would affect the plan of subdivision in detail satisfactory to the Commission;
         (c)   Tract boundary lines: showing dimensions, bearings, angles and references to section, township and range lines or recorded corners;
         (d)   Streets and right-of-way on or adjoining the site to a distance of not less than 150 feet from site boundaries, including dedicated right-of-way widths, roadway widths, approximate gradients, types and widths of pavements, curbs, sidewalks, tree planting and other pertinent data;
         (e)   Easements; locations, widths and purposes;
         (f)   Utilities, including sanitary and storm sewer, other drainage facilities, water lines, gas mains, electric utilities and other facilities, including size or capacity of each and the location of or distance to each utility indicated;
         (g)   Zoning of the site and adjoining property;
         (h)   Existing or proposed platting of adjacent land;
         (i)   Other features or conditions which would effect the subdivision either favorably or adversely; and
         (j)   Title, scale, north point and date.
      (4)   A preliminary plan of the subdivision, drawn to a scale of a minimum of 100 feet to one inch; except that, when the drawing at that scale requires more than one sheet, a scale recommended by the Planning Director may be used. All plats shall be drawn on a sheet(s) 24 by 36 inches in size. The preliminary plan shall show:
         (a)   Proposed name of the subdivision;
         (b)   Names and addresses of owner and subdivider and the engineer or surveyor who prepared the plans;
         (c)   Street pattern showing the names (which shall not duplicate names of other streets in the county) and widths of right-of-way of streets, and widths of crosswalks, easements and alleys;
         (d)   Layout of lots showing dimensions, areas and numbers;
         (e)   Parcels of land proposed to be dedicated or reserved for schools, parks, playgrounds or other public, semi-public or community purposes;
         (f)   Building setback or front yard lines;
         (g)   Key plan, legend and notes; and
         (h)   Scale, north point and date. Note: the plan and information called for herein may be submitted on one or more sheets or maps, but shall be of the size required hereunder.
      (5)   Certification or other evidence of approval by the County Health Officer of the proposed plans in respect to the proposed means of sewage disposal and the size of lots;
      (6)   A true copy of the proposed protective covenants or private restrictions, if any, to be incorporated in the plat of the subdivision; and
      (7)   Information as to any agreements which have been entered into with the owners of other property within the neighborhood in which the proposed subdivision is located, as to general plans for the entire neighborhood. (References should be made to the Master Plan for suggestions as to the general street pattern and design of the neighborhood.)
(1982 Code, § 55.35) (Ord. passed 4-21-1993; Ord. passed 7-25-2001)