The general requirements concerning disposal site permits are as follows.
   (A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to use or permit to be used, any land, premises or property within the county for a refuse disposal site without first filing an application with the Health Officer and securing a valid permit from the Health Officer for such operation.
   (B)   Any permit issued by the Health Officer shall contain the name of the person to whom the permit is granted, the address of the premises for which it is issued and such other pertinent information as may be required by the Health Officer. A separate permit shall be required for each disposal site operated or to be operated by any person.
   (C)   Only persons who comply with the requirements of this chapter shall be entitled to receive and retain such a permit. The permit shall be for the term of one year on a calendar year basis and shall be renewable annually. No permit or renewal thereof shall be denied on arbitrary or capricious grounds.
   (D)   Before a permit is issued by the Health Officer for any new disposal site, detailed plans and specifications and necessary reports must be submitted to the Health Officer by a registered professional engineer. The service of a registered professional engineer for the preparation of plans and specifications for a disposal site may be waived, when the Health Officer, in his or her judgment, believes that technical problems, will not be encountered; however, the required plans and specifications must then be prepared and submitted by the permit applicant.
(1982 Code, § 94.03) (Ord. passed 1-12-1970)