§ 36.05 BID FORM FEES.
   (A)   Auditor form fees. The County Auditor shall charge and collect the following fees from persons requesting forms which are kept in the office of the County Auditor:
      (1)   Contractor bid for public works (Form No. 96): $0.50; and
      (2)   Bid, offer or proposal for sale or lease of materials (Form No. 95): $0.50.
(1982 Code, § 21.01)
   (B)   Form fee charge exceptions. A charge shall not be made for one each of the above forms if the form is to be used for bidding on a project for the county or for the sale or lease of materials for the county. Bidders requesting more than one copy of such form shall pay the fees set forth above.
(1982 Code, § 21.02)
   (C)   Collection and accounting of fees. All fees collected pursuant to this section shall be accounted for and deposited into the General Fund of the county in accordance with procedures required by the State Board of Accounts.
(1982 Code, § 21.03)
(Ord. passed 12-18-1989)