(A)   Prosecutor Law Enforcement Fund. The Board of Commissioners of the county does hereby authorize the Auditor of the county to create and maintain a fund to be known as the “Wayne County Prosecutor Law Enforcement Fund” (“PLEF”, hereinafter).
(1982 Code, § 26.01)
   (B)   Purpose of fund. The purpose of the PLEF shall be to provide moneys for the use of all law enforcement agencies in the county to aid and assist in the furtherance of criminal investigations.
(1982 Code, § 26.02)
   (C)   Authorization to accept funds. The Auditor of the county is hereby authorized to accept funds, whether by way of voluntary contributions. Court order, restitution or the assessments of fines and costs, specifically designated for use as PLEF moneys; the Auditor shall accept said monies and said moneys shall be made available for use by the Prosecuting Attorney subject to the Prosecuting Attorney making a claim for said moneys to the Board of Commissioners of the county by setting forth on the claim the purpose of said claim on the PLEF moneys.
(1982 Code, § 26.03)
   (D)   Authorization to invest funds. The County Treasurer is hereby authorized to invest those funds held in the PLEF in an interest-bearing account; the Treasurer shall account to the Auditor of the county for all interest earned on said account, the interest earned on said account and the principal need not be turned over to the County General Fund, but may be kept and retained in the PLEF Fund and checking account and used for the purposes of prosecution and investigation of criminal activities in the county.
(1982 Code, § 26.04)
(Ord. passed 1-27-1993)