(A)   The general process for opening and awarding contracts based upon a request for quotes ("RFQs") is the following:
      (1)   Any requests for quotes must state the date, time, and location when sealed quotes will be received and opened.
      (2)   Any department that receives quotes must open the quotes on the date and time and at the location stated in the RFQ in the presence of the Commissioners or a person(s) designated by the Commissioners.
      (3)   After quotes are opened, the appropriate Department Head or employee shall prepare a report of opening of quotes which shall include the following:
         (a)   The date and manner of issuance of the RFQ;
         (b)   The time, date, and the place when the quotes were opened;
         (c)   The name of each respondent that provided a quote;
         (d)   The price included in the quote; and
         (e)   The recommendation of award to be made to the Board of Commissioners.
      (4)   The report of opening of quotes shall be filed with the Board of Commissioners at or prior to the time of their consideration of the contract award.
   (B)   The above procedures for processing quotes apply to all county departments.
(Ord. 2022-013, passed 12-28-2022)