(A)   The following terms have meanings specific to the purchasing statutes, where used in this procurement policy, the following terms shall mean:
      POLICY. This Purchasing Policy.
      PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. Services performed by and licensed architects, professional engineers, or surveyors, or professional surveyor in connection with the architect's, engineer's, or surveyor's professional employment or practice (see I.C. 5-16-11.1-2).
      PURCHASE. Includes to buy, procure, rent, lease, or otherwise acquire. The term includes:
         (a)   A description of requirements (specifications, delivery terms, etc.);
         (b)   Solicitation or selection of sources from which purchase will be made;
         (c)   Preparation and award of the purchase contract;
         (d)   All phases of contract administration; and
         (e)   All functions that pertain to the purchasing process through acceptance of purchased supplies or services.
      PURCHASING AGENCY. The body authorized to enter into contract by Indiana Code, by rules adopted by the governmental body or another law. For purposes of this policy, the Board of Commissioners is the Purchasing Agency for the county, pursuant Ordinance No. 2022-013.
      PURCHASING AGENT. A person authorized by the purchasing agency to function as an agent for the purchasing agency in the administration of the duties of the purchasing agency. The Board of Commissioners, any elected county official, each Department Head, and/or any of their designees shall function as purchasing agents for that office or department.
      SERVICES. The furnishing of labor, time, or effort by a person, not involving the delivery of specific supplies other than printed documents or other items that are merely incidental to the required performance.
      SUPPLIES. Any property, including equipment, goods, and materials. Does not include real property.
   (B)   Note: Unless otherwise noted, the foregoing definitions are taken from the relevant definitional provisions found in the Act. Subsequent amendments to any of the foregoing definitional provisions found in a particular subsection of the Act will be deemed applicable to and amendatory of the respective corresponding definitions found herein.
(Ord. 2022-013, passed 12-28-2022)