The President and the Board of Trustees of the village finds that vicious dogs are so dangerous that they constitute a threat to children and others in the village. Vicious dogs occasionally escape from the yard or building in which they are kept by slipping under a fence, jumping over a fence, stepping out through a door or gate temporarily opened or unlatched, breaking the leash or chain, or pulling out the anchor for the chain or leash. Children too young to read may wander too close to a dog, even in the presence of a “beware of dog” sign. It is the policy of this village that children and others should not have to assume the risk of a vicious dog having an opportunity to attack or to kill. The President and Board of Trustees finds that the benefits to a dog owner of owning a dangerous or vicious dog are outweighed by dangers to children and to the general public.
(Ord. 378, passed 6-6-1988)