Immediately after impounding any animal hereunder, it shall be the duty of said Village Marshal or other persons appointed by the President and Board of Trustees to enter upon the records of the village in a book to be kept by him or her for such purpose the date of impoundment, a description of the animal impounded, and a record as to whether such animal has been licensed or tagged as required by law, and, on said book, he or she shall keep all costs and expenses in and about the taking charge and maintaining of said animal. Said Village Marshal or other persons appointed by the President and Board of Trustees shall make a reasonable effort to determine the owner of said animal and notify the same as soon as possible. Any such animal not redeemed by the owner thereof within five days after the same is impounded may be immediately killed or destroyed or otherwise disposed of in any manner said Village Marshal or other persons appointed by the President and Board of Trustees deem proper.
(Ord. 420, passed 11-6-1995)