(a) Facilities must obtain all required county, state, and federal approvals and copies of all approvals must be submitted to the City.
(b) Hops, barley, wheat, or other products used in the brewing process may be stored in a detached structure, such as a silo, provided that:
(1) Any such structure complies with the setback requirements for the district in which it is located.
(2) Is compatible in color and materials with the main building.
(3) No outdoor storage of bottles, pallets, or other containers is permitted.
(4) Storage in tractor trailers is permitted for periods not exceeding twenty- four-hours.
(c) No more than sixty-five percent of the total gross floor space of the establishment shall be used for the brewery function, such as the brewhouse, fermentation tanks, conditioning tanks, bright beer tanks/filter, bottling and kegging lines, malt milling and storage, serving tanks and boiler and water treatment areas.
(d) Outdoor dining may be permitted.
(e) Small-scale manufacturing of artisan goods or foodstuffs other than beer, spirts, and wine may be approved by the Planning Commission as an accessory use.
(Ord. 2023-01. Passed 2-7-23.)