The following signs are prohibited:
   (a)   Any sign not expressly permitted.
   (b)   Signs, which by reason of their position, shape, illumination, location, or color obstructs the vision of drivers or of pedestrian traffic.
   (c)   Signs which incorporate in any manner flashing, moving, oscillating, and/or blinking lights.
   (d)   Exterior pennant strings, flutter flags, spinners, banners, and streamers.
   (e)   Any obscene, indecent, or immoral content.
   (f)   Any sign or object, including inflatable objects, which has any visible motion, moving or animated parts or image, whether movement is caused by machinery, wind, or otherwise, except for permitted digital message signs and exempt flags, as defined in this chapter.
   (g)   Any sign structure or frame that no longer contains a sign.
   (h)   Roof signs or a sign which projects above the roof line.
   (i)   Signs that prevent the free ingress and egress from any door, window, or fire escape. No sign can be attached to a standpipe or fire escape.
   (j)   Any sign erected on any property, public or private, without the consent of the property owner.
   (k)   Any sign which simulates or imitates in size, color, lettering, or design, any traffic sign or signal or other word, phrase, symbol, or character in such a manner as to interfere with, mislead, or confuse the drivers or motorized vehicles.
   (l)   Off-premises signs, including, but not limited to billboards or vehicle business signs.
   (m)   Tube lights, whether LED, neon, or any other type of light, including those that line windows and doors.
   (n)   Signs which are structurally or electrically unsafe, in the opinion of the Building Official; this includes, but is not limited to: rust, non-functional wiring, leaning or in danger of toppling over, detaching from a wall, or in danger of falling off the wall, and visible damage.
   (o)   Signs which, in the opinion of the Building Official, have deteriorated to the point where they have become a blight on surrounding properties; this includes but is not limited to: sign messages deteriorated to the point of unreadability, peeling paint, broken parts, and burnt out lighting.
   (p)   The Community Development Director has the authority to immediately remove or cause to be removed any sign which has been placed or located within the public right-of-way contrary to the provisions of the Code or not authorized by the Wayne County Road Commission or MDOT. The City or its agents does not incur any obligation to retain, store, or maintain any materials or salvage resulting from the removal of such signs.
   (q)   The Community Development Director has the authority to immediately remove or cause to be removed any sign listed as prohibited in this Code, unless the sign existed prior to the effective date of this Code and was permitted under the previously effective Code.
(Ord. 2023-01. Passed 2-7-23.)