Chapter 1473: Vacant Properties of the General Code of Ordinances is intended to prevent blight, protect property values and neighborhood integrity, to avoid the creation and maintenance of nuisances and to ensure the safe and sanitary maintenance of dwellings and commercial and industrial buildings through the registration of vacant properties and inspection of such facilities.
(a) The owner of a building used or intended for use for non-residential purpose, who wants to board up the building, must secure a vacancy permit for such building and pay a fee (as established by City Council resolution).
(b) Applications for vacancy permits must be submitted to the Department of Building and Engineering, signed by the owner, and contain such information as the Building Official deems pertinent, in addition to the following:
(1) The name and address of the owner of the premises as well as the name and address of a person who can be contacted for the purpose of maintaining, repairing or gaining access to the building;
(2) The owner's agreement that the Building Official or his or her designate will be permitted to inspect the building at reasonable times and upon reasonable notice;
(3) An explanation as to the reason for the vacancy; and
(4) A statement as to the owner's intent regarding the securing of an occupant for the building and the timeline for such occupancy and/or improvements.
(c) A building for which a vacancy permit has been issued and is currently in effect must be maintained in accordance with the following regulations:
(1) If boarding or covering is authorized by the Building Official to make the building secure, it must be accomplished with a material which is painted, coated, arranged, and installed so as to blend in with the decor and architectural style of the exterior of the building; and
(2) No rubbish or debris can be stored or allowed to accumulate within the building or property.
(d) Upon the Building Official's determination that the regulations regarding vacant buildings have not been complied with, the vacancy permit pertaining to such premises may be revoked. Notice of such revocation is mailed to the persons identified in the application for a vacancy permit.
(e) A building existing or maintained in violation of this section is contrary to the Code and a nuisance per se.
(Ord. 2023-01. Passed 2-7-23.)