Applications for permits under this chapter shall be made in writing to the Building Official. Applications shall contain the name and address of the applicant, shall be signed by the applicant or his or her duly authorized officer or agent, shall contain a legal description of the property upon which the proposed operation is to be carried on, and shall contain a description of the extent and nature of the proposed operation. They shall set forth the name of the owner or owners of the land described therein, and, if the applicant is not the owner, shall contain or have attached thereto the written consent of the owner or owners to the carrying on of the proposed operation on such land and a statement authorizing the City to enter upon the land for the purpose of inspection and for bringing the land into compliance with this chapter if the applicant should fail to do so. It shall also contain an agreement that the applicant, if granted a permit, will comply with all of the provisions of this chapter and with any and all rules and regulations adopted by the City pursuant hereto. The application shall be accompanied by a topographer's map or survey of the property covered by the application, which map or survey shall be prepared by a registered engineer and shall be authenticated by the signature of the engineering preparing the same.
(Ord. 13. Passed 6-2-64.)