Ord. No. Date Description
2-A-1 11-21-61 Area south of Annapolis St. between Chamberlain and Newberry Sts., from R-1B to R-1C.
2-A-5 2-5-63 Area on Sophia St. north of Michigan Ave., from R-1B to P-1.
2-A-6 3-3-64 Area on Sophia St. north of Michigan Ave., from R-1B to B-3.
2-A-7 9-1-64 Lots 1 and 2, Gersting Realty Subdivision, and Lots 1 to 4, Langworthy Subdivision, from R-1 to R-3; and Lots 16 and 17 and part of Lots 14 and 15, Wayne Highlands Subdivision, from P-1 to R-3.
2-A-8 9-22-64 Area bounded by Annapolis Ave., Venoy Rd. and Hubbard St., from R-1 to R-3.
2-A-9 4-6-65 Area north of Brush St., west of Washington St. and east of Wayne Rd., from B-4, P-1 and IND-1, to B-4.
2-A-10 4-6-65 Area north of Van Born Rd. and east of Venoy Rd., from R-lA to I-2 .
2-A-11 4-6-65 Area between Main and Norris Sts. and between Washington St. and Second St., from ft-3 and B-4 to B-1.
2-A-12 3-1-66 Area between Currier St., Williams St. and Van Born Rd., from R-lC to R-3.
2-A-13 5-17-66 Area between Glover St., Van Born Rd. and Howe Rd., from R-lC to R-3.
2-A-14 6-21-66 Area adjacent to Glenwood Cemetery, from B-2 to R-4; and area north of Michigan Ave., east of Han nan Rd. and east and west of John Hix Rd., from R-3 to R-4 ; and area between relocated Norris St. and Michigan Ave., from B-4 and I-2 to R-4.
2-A-15 8-16-66 Area bounded by Third St., Michigan Ave. and relocated Norris St., from B-4 to B-1.
2-A-16 9-20-66 Area bounded by Michigan Ave., Washington St., Main St., First St., Second St., Norris St. and Third St., from B-4 to B-1.
2-A-17 10-25-66 Area west of Hubbard St. and south of the NYC RR, from R-1C to IND-2.
2-A-18 11-15-66 Area bounded by Norris St., Washington St., the Mich. Cent. RR and Fourth St., from R-3 and IND-1, to IND-B.
2-A-19 9-19-67 Two parcels east of Venoy Rd. in the SW 1 /4 of Sec. 34, from R-1B to B-1.
2-A-20 12-19-67 A parcel fronting on Glenwood Rd., west of Venoy Rd., in the SW 1/4 of Sec. 27, from B-2 to B-3.
2-A-21 1-16-68 Area north of Maple Ave. extended 180 ft. east of John Hix Rd. to Michigan Ave., from R-1C to Transitional Industrial District.
2-A-22 6-4-68 Parcel in the SE 1/4 of Sec. 27, T. 2 S. R. 9 E., from R-1A to R-V.
2-A-24 10-15-68 Area north of Van Born Rd. and east of Treadwell Rd., from IND-B to R-1B.
2-A-25 11-19-68 The south 10 ft. of Lot 3, Hoag's Subdivision, from B-1 to B-2.
2-A-26 11-19-68 The west 190 ft. of a parcel lying between Tread well Rd. and the Pere Marquette R. R. right of way, from R-1B to IND-2.
2-A-27 12-17-68 Area bounded by Forest Ave. and Venoy Rd., from IND-1 and B-3 to R-3; Lots 1 through 20 between Forest St. and Clinton St. off Venoy Rd., from R 1C to R-3; lots bounded by Sophia, Elizabeth and Park Sts., from B-1 to B-4; other lots in Clark andJamieson's Addition, from R-3 to B-4; and lots between Main St. and Michigan Ave. East, from R-3 to B-4 .
2-A-28 2-18-69 Lots bounded by Wayne Rd., Annapolis Ave., Newberry St. and Harroun Pkwy., from R-1B and B-2 to P-1.
2-A-29 4-15-69 Area of the NE corner of Cogswell and Van Born Rds., from IND-B to IND-2.
2-A-30 5-20-69 The south 10 ft. of Lot 2, Isabella Clark's (No. 1) Subdivision, from R-3 to B-4.
2-A-31 7-15-69 Area bounded by Treadwell Rd. and Annapolis Ave., from R-1B to IND-2.
2-A-32 8-19-69 Part of the NE 114 of the SW 1/4 of Sec. 34, T.2 S., R. 9 E., from R-3 to B-1.
2-A-33 10-8-69 Areas bounded by Hubbard St., Annapolis Ave.and Mildred St., from B-2 to B-1; by Annapolis Ave. and Hubbard St., from R-1B to B-2; by Dearborn and Hubbard Sts., from R-1B to B-2; the north 220 ft. of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Sec. 34, T. 2 S., R. 9 E., from R-1A to R-3; area south of Stellwagen St., from R-1A to R-3; area north of Van Born Rd., from R-1B to R-3; and part of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 34, T. 2 S., R. 9 E., from R-1B to R-3.
2-A-34 11-5-69 Part of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 27, T. 2 S., R. 9 E., from R-lA to R-V.
2-A-36 4-20-71 Area bounded by Michigan Ave., John Hix Rd., Glenwood Rd. and Newburgh Rd., from R-1AA to R-3.
2-A-37 8-17-71 Part of the east 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 34, bounded by Van Born and Merriman Rds., from R-3 to B-2.
2-A-39 11-2-71 Parcel on the east side of Venoy just north of Forest, from R-lB to R-3.
2-A-40 4-11-72 Area on the west side of Merriman Rd. between Avon St. and Carlisle Pkwy., from R-1 C to B-2 .
2-A-44 10-3-72 Lots 1 and 2 of A.L. Chase's Addition, and Lot 288 of Assessor's Wayne Plat No. 6, in the NE 1/4 of Sec. 32, T. 2 S., R. 9 E., from IND-2 to B-2.
2-A-45 7-18-73 Property on the NW corner of S. Wayne Rd. and Sims Ave., from P-1 to R-5.
2-A-46 9-17-74 Areas north of Michigan Ave., east of Hannan Rd., and east and west of Newburgh Rd., and east and west of John Hix Rd., from R-3 to B-4, and from B-3 to B-4, and from R-4 to B-4.
2-A-47 3-16-76 Area on the SW corner of Michigan Ave. East and Williams St., from IND-2 to B-4.
2-A-48 10-18-77 Parcel south of and adjacent to Glenwood Hts. Sub division, from R-3 to R-lAA; lot north of Michigan Ave. West and on the west side of Dearborn St., from P-1 to R-lA; and lots on the southern end of Elizabeth St. cul-de-sac, from R-4 to R-1 C .
2-A-49 11-21-78 Parcel on the northeast corner of Van Born Rd. and Whitman St., from R-3 and B-2 to B-3 .
2-A-50 12-19-78 Property on the NW corner of Third and Forest Sts., from IND-1 to R-1C.
2-A-51 4-3-79 Property on the NW corner of Van Born Rd. and Howe Rd., from R-lC to B-3.
2-A-52 4-17-79 Property on the SW corner of Annapolis and Fourth Sts., from R-lC to B-2.
2-A-53 6-5-79 Property on the NW corner of Venoy and Annapolis, from R-1B to B-1.
2-A-54 6-19-79 Property between Third and Fourth Sts. north of Forest St., from IND-1 to R-3.
2-A-57 3-18-80 Property on the west side of Third St. north of Forest St., from IND-1 to R-1C.
2-A-59 1-6-81 Property between Van Born Rd. and Glover St., west of Chamberlain St., from R-1C to B-3 .
2-A-61 12-1-81 Property on the south side of Brush St., between Williams and Elizabeth Sts., from IND-1 to R-3.
2-A-63 6-1-82 Property on the east side of Venoy, north of Van Born, from R-1B to B-1.
2-A-66 2-15-83 Vacant property on the north side of Michigan Ave. West, approximately 600 ft. west of Newburgh Rd., from B-4 to B-3.
2-A-69 7-19-83 Property on the north side of Michigan Ave. West immediately west of Wayne Bowl and Recreation, 36900 Michigan Ave. West, from B-4 to B-3.
2-A-70 7-19-83 Property on the north side of Michigan Ave. West, west of Newburgh Rd., commonly known as 37630 Michigan Ave. West, from B-4 to B-3.
2-A-72 4-17-84 34136 Myrtle St., from IND-1 to IND-2.
2-A-73 10-2-84 4095 S . Venoy Rd., from R-lB to R-3.
2-A-77 5-21-85 Lots 1 to 13 of Block 8 of the South Addition to the Village, between Michigan Central R.R. and Myrtle St., from IND-1 to IND-2.
2-A-78 8-20-85 37380, 37300, 37200 and 37100 Michigan Ave., from B-4 to B-3.
2-A-79 8-20-85 3850 Howe Rd., from IND-1 to IND-2.
1986-01 1-21-86 2912 Wayne Rd., from B-2 to B-3.
1986-07 6-17-86 36850 and 36860 Van Born Rd., from IND-2 to IND-1.
1986-13 9-16-86 Property on Michigan Ave. West, west of John Hix Rd., from B-4 to B-3.
1986-14 10-21-86 39115 Maple Ave., from IND-2 to IND-1.
1986-16 12-16-86 Property on Michigan Ave., west of John Hix Rd., from B-4 to B-3.
1986-17 12-16-86 38910 Michigan Ave., from B-4 to B-3.
1986-18 12-16-86 4476 Treadwell Rd., from IND-2 to IND-1.
1987-03 2-17-87 Property in the vicinity of Van Born Rd. and Howe Rd., from R-3 to B-3 .
1987-05 5-19-87 3515 Second St., from B-4 to B-3 .
1987-06 6-16-87 Northeast corner of Michigan Ave. West and Hannan Rd., from B-4 to IND-B.
1987-07 6-16-87 Lots 476 to 489 in Louis Savage Garfield Park Subdivision, from IND-2 to IND-1.
1987-09 9-14-87 Northwest corner of Michigan Ave. and Newburgh Rd., from B-4 to B-3.
1987-11 9-14-87 Property in the vicinity of Brush St. and Newberry St., from B-4 to HD.
1987-13 10-20-87 5055 Hannan Rd., from IND-2 to IND-1.
1987-14 11-17-87 Property on Hannan Rd., north of Van Born Rd., from IND-2 to IND-1.
1987-15 11-17-87 35112 Michigan Ave., from B-4 to HD.
1988-06 4-5-88 Property in northeast part of Parcel 007-99-0007, from R-lAA and RV to PRD.
1988-10 4-19-88 Northwest corner of Michigan Ave. W. and Elizabeth St., from B-3 to B-4
1988-18 8-1-88 Northeast corner of Michigan Ave. W. and John Hix Rd., from B-4 to IND-B.
1988-19 8-16-88 Northwest corner of Forest and Third Sts., from R-IC to R-3.
1988-22 9-20-88 34420 and 34402 Sims Ave., from R-3 to B-1.
1988-23 9-20-88 3041 S. Wayne Rd., from B-2 to B-3.
1988-26 10-18-88 3831 Hannan Rd. and Nyman St., from R-1C to B-3.
1988-27 10-18-88 3015, 3019, 3023, 3025 and 3027 S. Wayne Rd., from B-2 to B-3.
1989-02 2-21-89 32500 Van Born Rd., from IND-2 to IND-B.
1989-06 5-16-89 3831 Nyman St., from R-1C to B-3.
1989-11 8-1-89 North side of Michigan Ave., east of Hannan Rd., from B-4 to R-4.
1989-12 9-5-89 North side of Michigan Ave., west of John Hix Rd., from B-4 to R-4.
1989-13 9-5-89 35430 Clinton and adjoining property, from B-2 to IND-2.
1989-18 9-19-89 Parcels 22-99-001-002 and 22-99-001-003 (25.92 acres), from IND-2 to IND-B.
1989-19 12-19-89 West side of Walker St., between Annapolis Ave. and Earl St., from IND-2 to IND-1.
1990-09 5-15-90 Parcels 11-99-0011, 11-99-0012 and 11-99-0013 (9.5 acres), from IND- 2 to IND-1.
1990-11 7-3-90 Parcels 11-99-0019, 11-99-0021, 11-99-0022, 11-99-0023, 11-99-0024, 11-99-0025, 11-99-0026 and 11-99-0027, from IND-2 to IND-1.
1990-14 7-17-90 Parcel 10-99-0019, from IND-B to R-4.
1990-16 9-4-90 3720 S. Venoy Rd., from IND-B to IND-2.
1990-17 10-16-90 34573 Glenwood Rd., from R1-C to R-3.
1991-11 8-6-91 39390 Michigan Ave., from IND-B to B-4.
1991-18 9-17-91 35431 Brush St., from IND-1 to HD.
1991-24 11-4-91 2903, 2909 and 2913 S. Wayne Rd., from B-2 to B-3.
1992-26 6-16-92 2.862 acres on the south side of Annapolis Ave., east of Treadwell Rd. and west of the C. & O. R.R. R.O.W., from IND-2 to IND-1.
1992-27 6-16-92 18.01 acres on the north side of Annapolis Ave., east of Treadwell Rd. and west of the C. & O. R.R. R.O.W., from IND-2 to IND-1.
1992-28 6-16-92 1.38 acres on the north side of Annapolis Ave., east of Treadwell Rd. and west of the C. & O. R.R. R.O.W., from IND-2 to IND-1.
1992-33 10-20-92 Avondale Subdivision No. 5, Lots 24-01-0931 through 24-01-0942, from B-1 to R-1C.
1993-05 3-16-93 Part of Lots 311 through 320 of Avondale Subdivision No. 1, on the west side of Merriman Rd. between Carlisle Pkwy. and the C. & O. R.R. R.O.W., from B-2 to R-1C.
1993-06 4-6-93 Parcels 10-99-0015 and 10-99-0016, from B-4 to R-4.
1993-07 4-6-93 Parcel 12-99-0005, from IND-2 to IND-1.
1993-14 8-3-93 35915 Clinton St., from IND-1 to IND-2.
1994-04 8-1-94 Lots 1-8 of Enright Park Subdivision, the northwest corner of Annapolis Ave. and Hubbard St., from B-1 to R-1C.
1994-05 8-1-94 Parcel 22-99-0002, from R-1B to R-3.
1995-05 3-7-95 Lots 645-653 of Supervisors Nankin Plat No. 13, including the vacated street, from B-3 to B-4.
1995-16 10-2-95 4436 Walker St., from IND-2 to IND-1.
1996-21 9-17-96 Parcels 10-99-0004 and 9-99-0015, east of John Hix Rd., between Michigan Ave. East and Maple Ave., from T-1 to IND-2.
1997-07 8-5-97 3.67 acres adjacent to Van Born Rd., from B-2 to R-3.
1997-08 8-5-97 Lots 147, 148 and 223-226 of the Michigan Boulevard Subdivision, from R-3 to B-3.
1998-02 1-6-98 Property adjacent to Treadwell Rd., from R-1B to IND-2.
1998-10 10-20-98 Parcel 12-99-0003-000, on the east side of Treadwell Rd., south of Van Born Rd., from IND-2 to IND-1.
1999-02 1-5-99 Southern half of Parcel 55-011-99-0010-000, on the west side of Cogswell Rd., north of Van Born Rd., from IND-2 to IND-1.
1999-03 1-5-99 Parcel 55-018-0191-301, on the northeast corner of Michigan Ave. East and Wayne Rd., from B-1 to B-4.
1999-10 3-15-99 Parcels 55-019-02-0455, 55-019-02-0554, 55-019-02-0585, 55-019-02-0637, 55-019-02-0536, 55-019-02-0558, 55-019-02-0629, 55-019-02-0546, 55-019-02-0579 and 55-019-02-0633, bounded by Chamberlin, Stellwagen, Biddle, Harround, Washington and Richard Sts., from R-B to R-1C.
1999-12 4-6-99 4060 Third St., from IND-1 to R-1C.
1999-13 4-6-99 Lots 1-15 of the Louis Savage Garfield Park Subdivision, from R-1C to B-1.
1999-17 6-1-99 Lots 26-30, Lot 224 and Lots 328-330 of the Louis Savage Garfield Park Subdivision, from R-1C to B-3.
1999-18 6-15-99 Vacation of alley between Lots 7a and 8 of the Resubdivision of Henry and Edsel Subdivisions.
1999-19 6-15-99 Vacation of alley south of Lot 89a and north of Lots 90 and 91 of Assessors Wayne Plat No. 3.
1999-20 7-6-99 Parcel 022-99-0010-705, the southerly portion of Lots 43a to 48a and all of Lots 49-66 of Woodworth Gardens Subdivision, from IND-B to PRD.
1999-21 7-20-99 Lots 008-99-0013-000 and 008-99-0015-000, located on the southwest corner of Newburg and Glenwood Rds., from R-1AA to B-2.
1999-24 11-1-99 Parcel 55-012-99-0005, north of Van Born Rd. and east of Cogswell Rd., from IND-1 to IND-2.
2000-01 1-4-00 Lots 16-25 of the Louis Savage Garfield Subdivision, from R-1C to B-3.
2000-03 2-15-00 Parcel 11-99-0006-000, from IND-2 to IND-1.
2000-06 4-4-00 Parcels 010-01-0142-002, 010-01-0146-000 and 010-01-0147- 000 from IND-2 to IND-1.
2000-19 8-1-00 Lot 92(b) of Chase and Abells Addition and the southeasterly portion of lot 315(a1a1) and (a1a1b) of Assessors Wayne Plat No. 7 from B-4 to IND-1.
2001-03 2-5-01 Parcel 013-01-0014, being Lots 313a2a, 315a, 316, also part of adjacent vacated street (Williams St.) Assessors Wayne Plat No. 7T2SR9EL65P97 WCR, also part of vacated street (main St.) Assessors Wayne Plat No. 9 from R-4 to B-4 .
2001-08 4-3-01 Lots 27 through 33 of Crest View Subdivision, T2S R9E L54 P92 WCR, from B-2 and R-1C to B-1.
2002-06 2-5-02 35100 Van Born Road from R-1C to B-3.
2002-07 2-19-02 Lot 327 Louis Savage Garfield Park Subdivision, T2S R9E WCR, from R-1C to B
2002-26 8-5-02 4953 Venoy Road, Tax ID # 55-023-99-0014-000 from B-1 to R-1B.
2003-01 1-7-03 Vacant land on the north side of Van Born Road, Tax ID # 55-024-99-0025-707 from B-2 to R-3.
2003-02 2-4-03 Parcels #55-010-01-0001-301, #55-010-01-0002-301, #55-010-01-0003-301, #55-010-01-0005-300, #55-010-01-0006-300, #55-010-01-0007-300, #55-010-01-0008-300, #55-010-01-0009-300, #55-010-01-0010-300, #55-010-01-0011-102, #55-010-01-0011-301, #55-010-01-0012-102, #55-010-01-0012-301, #55-010-01-0013-102, #55-010-01-0013-301, #55-010-01-0014-102, #55-010-01-0014-301, #55-010-01-0015-301 and #55-010-01-0015-302 from B-1 to B-3.
2003-04 5-6-03 Northeast corner of Michigan Avenue East and South Wayne Road, Tax ID # 55-018-01-0191-301 from B-4 to PDD.
2003-09 6-3-03 Southeast corner of Forest Avenue and South Wayne Road, Tax ID # 55-018-0301-003 from B-3 to PDD.
2003-14 11-18-03 Parcels #55-010-01-0432-000 and #55-010-01-0433-000 from R-1C to B-3, except for the south four feet of lot 0432 (Louis Savage Garfield Park Subdivision)
2004-07 7-20-04 Parcels #55-020-99-0001-000 and #55-020-99-0002-000, 34102 and 34128 Van Born Road, from R-1C to PDD.
2004-12 9-7-04 Lots 332 - 334 of Louis Savage Garfield Park Subdivision from R-1C to B-3.
2005-02 1-4-05 Lots along the south side of Michigan Avenue East from Washington to First Streets, from IND-B to B-1.
2005-04 1-4-05 Lots along the north side of Michigan Avenue West, from 35540 Michigan Avenue West to 36046 Michigan Avenue West, from IND-3 to B-4.
2005-09 4-5-05 East side of Wayne Road from Van Born Road to Phyllis Street, from B-3 to B-2.
2005-10 4-5-05 West side of Wayne Road from John Street to Richard Street from B-3 to B-1.
2005-11 4-5-05 East side of Wayne Road from John Street to Harroun Street, from B-3 to B-1.
2005-12 4-5-05 West side of Wayne Road from Richard Street through Lot 14, from B-3 to B-1.
2005-13 4-5-05 West side of Wayne Road from Annapolis Street to Earl Street, from B-3 to B-2.
2005-14 4-5-05 West side of Wayne Road from Earl Street to Clinton Street, from B-3 to B-2.
2005-15 4-5-05 East side of Wayne Road from Lot 14a to Clinton Street, from B-3 to B-1.
2005-16 4-5-05 East side of Wayne Road, generally described as the northeast corner of Clinton Street, from B-3 to B-1.
2005-17 4-5-05 Brush Street, generally described as the southwest corner of Newberry Street, from I-1 to R-3.
2005-18 4-5-05 Brush Street, generally described as the southeast corner of Brush Court, from I-1 to R-3.
2005-19 4-5-05 East side of Wayne Road, generally described as the southeast corner of Michigan Avenue East, from B-3 to B-4.
2005-20 4-5-05 West side of Wayne Road, generally described as the southwest corner of Michigan Avenue East, from B-3 to B-4.
2005-21 4-5-05 East side of Wayne Road between Elm Street and Chestnut Street (addresses: 3027, 3025, 3023, 3019, 3015), from B-3 to B-2.
2005-22 4-5-05 East side of Wayne Road, generally described as the southeast corner of Glenwood Road, from B-3 to B-2.
2005-31 9-6-05 Lots 14 and 15, Block 1, the South Addition to the village, T2S, R9E, L12, P31, WCR, from R-3 to B-2.
2006-01 2-7-06 Southern portion of 2910 Venoy Road - 57 ft. x 100 ft., from R-4 to B-2.
2006-08 5-1-06 Area located east of the alley east of South Wayne Road between Chestnut Street and Elm Street, from R-1C to P-1.
2006-12 9-5-06 Lots 12 to 16, inclusive, A.L. Chase’s Addition to Wayne, lots 6 to 8, inclusive, Junction Place, and Lots 1 to 7, inclusive, Assessors Wayne Plat No. 1, from IND-2 to IND- 1.
2006-22 12-5-06 Lot 97, Wayne Urban Renewal Replat No. 4, from B-1 to B- 2.
2007-04 2-6-07 5750 Treadwell Road, from R-1B to IND-B.
2009-18 12-1-09 The following parcels are rezoned from B-1 and B-4 to B-5:
Property Tax ID No. Street Address
55-006-03-0002-000 35858 Michigan Avenue West
55-006-03-0006-000 35836
55-006-03-0009-000 35830
55-006-03-0012-000 35816
55-006-03-0014-000 35812
55-006-05-0061-000 35760 Michigan Avenue West
55-006-05-0060-000 35732
55-006-05-0057-002 35712
55-006-06-0001-000 35731 Michigan Avenue West
55-006-08-0025-000 35640 Michigan Avenue West
55-006-08-0024-001 35634
55-006-08-0023-000 35630-22
55-006-08-0022-001 35612
55-006-07-0002-001 SE corner Michigan Ave. W.; Clark Street
55-006-07-0001-302 3629 Clark Street
55-006-07-0002-002 3617
55-006-07-0001-301 35613-03 Michigan Avenue West
55-006-09-0015-002 35550 Michigan Avenue West
55-006-09-0014-000 35540
55-006-09-0012-001 35512
55-006-10-0022-300 35545 Michigan Avenue West
55-013-01-0056-000 35505
55-006-10-0011-003 35501 Mich. Ave. W.; 3616-32 Elizabeth St.
55-006-10-0015-302 3680 Elizabeth Street
55-006-10-0015-301 35518 Park Street
55-006-10-0002-004 35445 Michigan Avenue West
55-006-10-0001-304 35425 Mich. Ave. W.; Metro Mall 3601-3709
55-006-09-0001-000 35454 Michigan Avenue West
55-003-11-0104-001 35310
55-003-12-0001-000 35240 Michigan Avenue West
55-003-11-0101-001 35234 Michigan Avenue West
55-003-11-0100-001 35228-18
55-003-11-0099-002 35164
55-003-11-0097-001 35150
55-003-11-0084-001 35136
55-003-11-0085-001 35132 Michigan Avenue West
55-003-11-0086-302 35128 Michigan Avenue West
55-003-11-0087-004 35122
55-003-11-0087-003 35118
55-003-11-0091-302 35112
55-003-11-0090-302 35104-02
55-018-01-0112-301 SW corner Mich. Ave. W; Newberry St. (0.61 acre)
55-018-01-0115-003 35215 Michigan Avenue West
55-018-01-0120-301 35111 Michigan Avenue West
55-003-10-0047-305 3519 S. Wayne Road
55-003-10-0008-001 35028-06 Michigan Avenue West
55-003-10-0009-303 35004
55-003-10-0011-001 34932
55-003-10-0012-001 34924-14
55-003-10-0013-307 34912
55-003-10-0013-305 34904-00
55-003-10-0014-303 34852
55-003-10-0015-307 34844-40
55-003-10-0016-303 34836
55-003-10-0016-305 34830-28
55-003-10-0017-000 34816
55-003-10-0019-000 34806
55-003-10-0042-000 3518 Second Street
55-003-10-0041-000 3515 Second Street; 34646 Sims Avenue
55-003-10-0020-000 34630-10 Michigan Avenue West
55-013-06-0315B007 36137-11 Michigan Avenue East
55-013-01-0032-001 35400-12 Michigan Avenue East
55-018-01-0180-301 35354-00 Michigan Avenue East
55-018-01-0188-300 35250-00 Michigan Avenue East
55-018-02-0018-002 Parking Structure
55-018-02B0023-000 34841 Veterans Plaza
55-018-02-0022-001 3850 Second Street
55-018-07-0220-304 35173-01 Michigan Avenue East
2010-12 12-21-10 The following parcels are rezoned from B-4 to B-5:
Property Tax ID No. Street Address
55-003-10-0049-000 35000 Sims Avenue
55-003-10-0069-001 34808 Sims Avenue
2011-01 2-1-11 The following properties south of Brush Street and east of Elizabeth Street are rezoned from IND-1 to R-3:
Chase and Abells Addition to Wayne
Lots 93 and 94 35547 Brush Street
Lot 95 35537 Brush Street
Lot 96
Lot 97
Lot 98
Assessors Wayne Plat No. 7
Lot 304 and 305-303 35449 Brush Street
2013-06 7-2-13 Rezoning a portion of 36253 Michigan Avenue East, from B-5 to IND-2.
2013-08 11-4-13 Rezoning property with Parcel ID No. 55-009-01-0191-001, commonly known as 37434 Michigan Avenue, from B-4 to B-3.
2014-07 8-4-14 Rezoning properties commonly known as 37458 and 37440 Michigan Avenue (Parcel ID Nos. 55-009-01-0190-001 and 55-009-01-0190-002), from B-4 to B-3.
2016-01 2-2-16 Rezoning properties commonly known as 36111 Michigan Avenue East (Parcel ID No. 55-013-06-0315-301), from B-5 to I-2.
2016-03 6-7-16 Rezoning properties commonly known as 4429 S. Wayne Road (Parcel ID No. 55-018-04-008-000) from B-1 to B-2C.
2016-04 6-7-16 Rezoning properties commonly known as 5006 S. Wayne Road (Parcel ID Nos. 55-016-02-0012-001 and 55-016-02-0013-001) from B-1 to B-2C.
2017-01 2-7-17 Rezoning properties described as Lots 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32 and outlots in Clark Subdivision from R-1C to IND-B.
2018-02 2-6-18 Rezoning properties commonly known as 35707 and 35751 Brush Street (Parcel ID Nos. 55-013-01-0082-300, 55-013-01-0084-300 and 55-013-01-0085-303) from R-3 to I-2.
2018-06 9-4-18 Rezoning a 4.7 acre northeast portion of the property commonly known as 5454 S. Venoy Road (Parcel ID No. 55-023-99-0002-000) from R-1A to PDD.
2019-07 7-11-19 Rezoning 36900 Michigan Avenue from B-4 to IND-1.
2019-10 12-12-19 Rezoning 5158 S. Wayne Road from B-2 to B-3C.
2020-06 12-1-20 Rezoning property commonly known as Vacant Cogswell Road (Parcel ID No. 55-011-99-0009-000) from IND-2 to IND-2(C).
2021-05 9-7-21 Rezoning property commonly known as 31650 Van Born Road (Parcel ID No. 55-024-99-0019-000) from R-3 to B-1.
2022-01 3-1-22 Rezoning 34250 Michigan Avenue from B-4 to B-3(c).
2022-04 6-21-22 Rezoning certain vacant parcels on Van Born Road (Parcel ID Nos. 55-015-99-0001-000, 55-015-99-0005-000, 55-015-99-0006-000) from IND-2 and R-1B to IND-2.
2023-09 1-3-24 Rezoning the land at 36253, 36111, and 55-013-06-035-008 Michigan Avenue from SF to IND-2