   (a)   Ice Cream Vendors. Vendors of frozen dairy products, licensed and regulated by Chapter 828, are hereby excepted from this chapter.
   (b)   Christmas Tree Vendors. Vendors of Christmas trees, licensed and regulated by Chapter 812, are hereby excepted from this chapter.
   (c)   Garage Sales. Garage and yard sales, being sales conducted on residential premises, of used personal property belonging to the owner of the premises upon which the sale is conducted, are hereby excepted from this chapter.
   (d)   Sidewalk Sales. The provisions of this chapter do not apply to special event outdoor sales conducted on sidewalks immediately adjacent and contiguous to commercial establishments, which events are sponsored by recognized associations or organizations of merchants, such as the Chamber of Commerce, provided that such special event sales are first approved by Council, are of a duration of not more than three days and are scheduled not more than two times in any one calendar year.
(Ord. 1988-03. Passed 3-15-88.)