(a)   If the grantee of a franchise provides a new service, facility, equipment, fee or grant to any other community which it serves within the State of Michigan, the same shall be provided in or to the City. The City shall waive this requirement in a franchise upon an affirmative demonstration that such service would be undesirable, impractical, infeasible or uneconomical in the City due to population, density or other relevant factors.
   (b)   The grantee of a franchise shall allow the City to access the telecommunication system from any City building, police station, fire station, other public building, each school licensed by the State of Michigan, and each public library within 500 feet of the telecommunication system on fees, terms and conditions set forth in the franchise.
   (c)   Only in the event of a State or national emergency or other urgent community need, a grantee of a franchise shall, upon request of the City, make available its facilities to the City for the duration of the emergency.
   (d)   To the extent feasible, and subject to reasonable availability and agreement among the franchisees concerning maintenance, access and security, a telecommunication system shall be interconnected with other telecommunication system within the City for the purpose of facilitation of the provision of universal service in the City. Interconnecting may be done by direct cable or fiber optical connection, microwave link, satellite, or other appropriate method. The cost of such interconnection shall be equally shared by each grantee. A grantee shall not impose any discriminatory or punitive interconnection fee on a non-subscriber. A grantee shall not refuse or delay access service or be unreasonable in connecting another grantee to the telecommunication system or refuse or delay access service or be unreasonable in connecting another grantee to the telecommunication system or refuse or delay access service by any person to another telecommunication system.
(Ord. 99-07. Passed 3-2-99.)