Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of the terms used in this chapter shall be as follows:
(1) "City" means the City of Wayne, Michigan.
(2) "Telecommunication services" includes regulated and unregulated services, offering to customers the transmission of two-way interactive communication and associated usage.
(3) "Telecommunication system" is a system used or to be used to provide telecommunication service including public or private line video, data or voice service to another person, using or crossing streets, highways, rights-of-way or easements in the City other than cable television service offered pursuant to a franchise granted under Chapter 809 of the City Code, as amended.
(4) "Franchise" is a non-exclusive, limited authorization to transact local business for title construction, maintenance and operation of a telecommunication system in the City awarded by ordinance in the form of a contract and accepted by the grantee.
(5) "Grantee" is any holder of a telecommunication system license or franchise granted pursuant to this chapter.
(6) "Gross revenue" shall mean all receipts collected by the grantee for all telecommunication and related operations and services within the corporate limits of the City as well as any other revenue arising from operation or possession of this franchise regardless of where billed. "Gross revenue" shall also include:
A. Access charges paid to the grantee by other carriers.
B. The leases or re-sales of lines or circuit paths to third parties.
C. All telecommunication services revenues charged on a flat rate basis.
D. All telecommunication services charges on a usage sensitive or mileage basis.
E. All revenues from local service.
F. All revenues from authorized rental of conduit space.
G. All revenues from authorized rentals of any portion of grantee's system, including plants, facilities, or capacity leased to others.
H. All other revenues collected from the grantee's telecommunication business pursued within the City, excluding third party billing arrangements not related to the grantee's telecommunication business.
I. Recoveries of bad debts previously written off and revenues from the sale or assignment of bad debts. Unrecovered bad debts charged off after diligent but unsuccessful efforts to collect are excludable from gross revenues from telecommunication business. "Gross revenue" does not include revenue uncollected from customers (bad debts) and sale or lease of customer service equipment, taxes, interconnection fees paid by the grantee to other telecommunications carriers, or other similar types of pass-through charges for which the grantee merely acts as a collecting agent and derives no economic benefit or "markup."
(7) "License" is a written agreement granted by resolution for a telecommunication system to use the rights-of-way, easements, highways, streets, alleys, and other places in the City for wires, poles, pipes, conduits or other public utility facilities, but not to transact local business with another person.
(8) "Person" is any individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization.
(9) "Subscriber" is any person who contracts with the grantee for, or is in any manner provided with, telecommunication services.
(Ord. 99-07. Passed 3-2-99.)