Fees for mechanical permits and inspections are as follows:
Minimum Fee: $ 80.00
If additional inspections are required after rough and final, an additional inspection fee of $60.00 will be charged.
(a) Base Permit Fee. 60.00
(b) Gas Burning Equipment (New and/or Conversion).
Under 400,000 BTU $ 50.00
Over 400,000 BTU 100.00
Chimney liners 25.00
(c) Oil Burners (New and/or Conversion, Except Boilers).
Under 5 gal./hr. $ 60.00
Over 5 gal./hr. 70.00
(d) Solid Fuel-Burning Equipment; Fireplace
Inserts. $ 60.00
(e) Solar Equipment; Commercial and Residential
(Piping Fee Included).
Each panel collector system $ 75.00
(f) Air Conditioning Units (Piping Fee Included).
1-1/2 H.P. to 5 H.P. (self-contained or split) $ 45.00
Over 5 H.P. 70.00
Centrifugal units 80.00
Absorption units 80.00
Cooling towers 75.00
(g) Cold Air Return; Heat Supply Modifications.
Residential $ 45.00/per unit
Commercial 70.00
(h) Refrigeration Systems.
Self-contained units up to 5 H.P. (split
systems) $ 45.00
Over 5 H.P. 80.00
Refrigeration tubing 25.00
(i) Air Handlers, Multi-Zone, Self-Contained Units.
Ventilation and exhaust fans:
Up to 10,000 CFM $ 45.00
Over 10,000 CFM 75.00
Through-the-wall fan coil vents 20.00
(j) Unit Heaters; Hot Water or Steam.
Under 400,000 BTU's input $ 45.00
400,000 BTU's input and over 70.00
(k) Humidifiers.
Residential $ 20.00
Commercial 50.00
(l) Electronic Air Cleaner.
Electronic Air cleaner/residential $ 20.00
Commercial/industrial building 50.00
(m) Work Without Permit.
Permit not obtained before work is started double fee, plus $100.00
(n) Special Inspections.
Certificate of occupancy or compliance $ 70.00
One special inspection or one investigation not
specifically covered in this schedule 70.00
(o) Gas Piping (Includes Pressure Testing).
Residential (20-30 psi) $ 45.00
Commercial (under 2 in. pipe size)
(30-40 psi) 70.00
Commercial (2 in. or over pipe size)
(over 40 psi) 100.00
(p) Duct Work Only.
Residential $ 45.00
Commercial 70.00
Note: For heating and cooling, two permits must be obtained
(q) Fire Dampers.
First 5 $ 10.00 each
Over 5 5.00 each
(r) Appeals Filed With Mechanical/Building
Construction Board of Appeals. $ 150.00
(s) Fire Suppression Systems Utilizing
15 Heads or Less.** $ 150.00
Additional sprinkler heads 5.00
** Includes hydrostatic test and fire suppression test
(t) Kitchen Hood Ventilation System (Commercial). $ 50.00
(u) Water Heater. $ 15.00.
(Ord. 99-14. Passed 6-1-99; Ord. 2002-25. Passed 6-18-02; Ord. 2004-02. Passed 6-15-04; Ord. 2009-11. Passed 6-16-09; Ord. 2012-06. Passed 6-19-12; Ord. 2013-04. Passed 6-18-13; Ord. 2014-06. Passed 7-1-14.)