In any off-street parking and loading area that contains more than 20 parking spaces, a minimum of 10% of the total hard surface area shall be utilized for landscaping, screening, and/or open space. The minimum requirements for off-street parking areas shall be as follows:
(A) All rows of parking spaces shall be provided a terminal island to protect parked vehicles, define driveways, confine moving traffic to driveways, and provide space for landscaping.
(B) There shall be provided within each row of parking spaces, landscaped islands located so as to prevent more than 12 vehicles from being parked side-by-side in an abutting configuration.
(C) One ornamental or conifer tree shall be provided per 12 parking spaces. Such tree shall be located as to impact the visual effect of the parking surface.
(D) Each tree shall be allocated a minimum landscape surface area of 200 square feet, exclusive of other shade trees.
(E) All interior landscaped areas not dedicated to trees or to preservation of existing vegetation shall be landscaped with grass, ground cover, shrubs, or other appropriate landscaping treatment. Pavement, gravel, or similar treatment shall not be considered appropriate landscape treatment.
(F) Parking lot planting areas shall not be designed to accommodate winter snow storage.
(Ord. 02-11, passed 5-13-03)