(A) Landscaping plantings shall not be placed so as to interfere with site drainage.
(B) Landscape plantings shall not be placed in any public utility easement unless specifically permitted on the approved site plan.
(C) Plantings shall not be placed where they may interfere with the maintenance of sanitary or storm structures, fire hydrants, or water valves, or any other public utility.
(D) Landscape planting may not be placed within the public street right-of-way unless previously approved by the City Council.
(E) The vision clearance triangle shall be maintained at all times.
(F) All disturbed areas shall be restored with sod or seed, unless specifically approved otherwise. In residential districts or uses, the entire front yard, side yard, and rear yard to the building setback line shall be sodded. In all districts, the adjacent right-of-way shall be sodded.
(G) In sites where vegetation existed and was retained during development, the required minimum quantity of planting may be reduced with two existing plantings equivalent to one required planting. No more than 50% of the required plants may be waived in this manner. Plants to be exchanged shall meet minimum size requirements as established herein.
(Ord. 02-11, passed 5-13-03)