(A)   All sewage facilities shall be connected to the city sewer facilities. This provision shall not apply to temporary construction sites or portable units as otherwise permitted by the city.
   (B)   Any lighting used to illuminate an off-street parking area, sign or other structure, shall be arranged as to deflect light away from any adjoining residential zone or from the public streets. Direct or sky-reflected glare, where from floodlights or from high temperature processes such as combustion or welding shall not be directed into any adjoining property. The source of lights shall be hooded or controlled in some manner so as not to light adjacent property.
   (C)   The emission of smoke by any use shall be in compliance with and regulated by the state pollution control standards, Minn. Rules Chs. 1009 and 7011, as it may be amended from time to time.
   (D)   The emission of dust, fly ash or other particulated matter by any use shall be in compliance with and regulated by the state pollution control standards, Minn. Rules Chs. 1009 and 7011, as it may be amended from time to time.
   (E)   The emission of odorous matter in a quantity as to be offensive shall not be permitted. The emission of odor by any use shall be in compliance with and regulated by the state pollution control standards, Minn. Rules Chs. 1009 and 7011, as it may be amended from time to time.
   (F)   All noise shall be muffled so as not to be objectionable due to intermittence, beat frequency or shrillness and as measured at any property line, shall not exceed the minimum standards established by Minn. Rules Ch. 7030, as it may be amended from time to time..
   (G)   The following uses shall be prohibited in all zoning districts:
      (1)   Final disposal facility for mixed municipal solid waste, hazardous waste, industrial waste, incinerator ash or infectious waste;
      (2)   New sanitary landfill;
      (3)   Incineration of any solid waste, mixed municipal solid waste, hazardous waste, industrial waste or infectious waste or contaminated soils;
      (4)   Disposal, treatment or processing of hazardous waste or infectious waste;
      (5)   Storage of hazardous waste;
      (6)   Processing of waste tires to produce tire derived products;
      (7)   Tire dump or disposal of waste tires;
      (8)   Refused derived fuel facility;
      (9)   Recycling facility, except by conditional use permit;
      (10)   Transfer station or transfer facility;
      (11)   Energy recovery facility;
      (12)   Open dump;
      (13)   Disposal of construction debris or demolition debris; and
      (14)   Composting facility (except municipal which is permitted).
   (H)   Topographical alterations and excavations are hereby adopted as stated herein.
(Ord. passed 3-9-93; Am. Ord. 98-02, passed 11-10-98; Am. Ord. 00-01, passed 5-9-00; Am. Ord. 00-03, passed 6-13-00)