The following accessory uses are permitted in the R-A district.
   (A)   Operation and storage of vehicles, machinery and equipment which is incidental to permitted or conditional uses allowed in this district;
   (B)   Boarding or renting rooms to not more than two persons;
   (C)   Living quarters for persons employed on the premises;
   (D)   Home occupations, as defined;
   (E)   Signs, as regulated in this chapter; and
   (F)   Not more than one mobile home for use connected with the operation of the farm.
(Ord. passed 3-9-93; Am. Ord. 98-02, passed 11-10-98; Am. Ord. 00-01, passed 5-9-00; Am. Ord. 00-03, passed 6-13-00; Am. Ord. 05-01Z, passed 10-11-05)