(A) General design. The design of all streets shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, to reasonable circulation of traffic, to topographic conditions, to run-off of storm water and to the proposed uses of the area to be served.
(B) Extension and projection. Where new streets extend existing adjoining streets, their projection shall be at the same or greater width, but in no case less than the minimum required width.
(C) Arrangement. Where adjoining areas are not subdivided, the arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall make provision for the proper projection of streets. When a new subdivision adjoins unsubdivided land susceptible to being subdivided, the new streets shall be carried to the boundaries of the unsubdivided land.
(D) Widths and grades. The following standards of street design shall be observed by the subdivider:
Street category | Max. Width R-O-W | Min. Width Pavement** | Max. Grade* | Min. Drainage Grade |
Street category | Max. Width R-O-W | Min. Width Pavement** | Max. Grade* | Min. Drainage Grade |
Parkway | 100 feet | 44 feet | 5% | 0.5% |
Arterial | 80 feet | 44 feet | 4% | 0.5% |
Collection | 70 feet | 44 feet | 5% | 0.5% |
Local | 66 feet | 32 feet | 7% | 0.5% |
Cul-de-Sac Frontage | 60 feet | 32 feet | 7% | 0.5% |
* - To assure a safe and reasonable sight distance at intersections a lesser maximum grade may be required. | ||||
** - Face of curb to face of curb. | ||||
(E) Culs-de-sac. Turn-arounds shall have a minimum outside roadway diameter of 100 feet and a minimum street property line diameter of 120 feet. Maximum distance between street intersections and Turn-arounds or between turn-arounds shall be 500 feet measured along the street center line from the intersection of origin or from the center point of the turn-around.
(F) Local streets. Local streets shall be so aligned that their use by through traffic shall be discouraged.
(G) Street jogs. Street jogs with center line off-sets of less than 125 feet shall be avoided.
(H) Street intersections.
(1) Insofar as practical, streets shall intersect at right angles and no intersection shall be at an angle of less than 60 degrees. It must be evident that safe and efficient traffic flow is encouraged.
(2) No intersection shall contain more than four “corners.”
(I) Half streets. Half streets shall be prohibited except where the Council finds it to be practicable to require the dedication of the other half when the adjoining property is subdivided. In such event, access to the half street shall be prohibited until the adjoining property is subdivided.
(J) Street names. Proposed streets obviously in alignment with existing and named streets shall bear the names of the existing streets. In no case shall the name of the proposed street duplicate names, including phonetic similarities, elsewhere in the city.
(K) Private streets. Public improvements shall not be approved for any private street.
(L) Local service drives. Where a proposed plat is adjacent to a major thoroughfare, the City Council may require the developer to provide local service drives along the right-of-way of the facilities, or they may require that lots should back on thoroughfares, in which case, vehicular and pedestrian access between the lots and thoroughfares shall be prohibited.
(M) Access to arterial and collector roadways. Where a proposed plat is adjacent to an arterial or collector roadway as designated by the comprehensive plan, spacing between access points to the thoroughfares of less than 860 feet for collectors and 1,320 feet for arterials shall be avoided except where impractical or impossible due to existing property division or topography.
(N) Corners. Curb lines at street intersections shall be rounded at a radius of not less than 15 feet.
(O) Residential alleys. Alleys shall be prohibited unless special permission is granted by the City Council for their provision.
(P) Hardship to owner of adjoining property. The street arrangements shall not be such as to cause hardship to owners of adjoining property in platting their own land and providing convenient access to it.
(Q) Reverse curves. Tangents of at least 100 feet in length shall be introduced between reverse curves on collector streets and 50 feet on lesser streets.
(R) Pedestrian walkways. The Planning Commission and/or City Council shall require the provision of pedestrian ways in proximity to public service areas such as parks, schools, shopping facilities or in other appropriate locations of a similar nature. The design of the pedestrian walkways shall be considered in their relation, to existing and planned pedestrian walkways to reasonable circulation of traffic, to topographic conditions, to run-off of storm water and to the proposed uses of the area to be served.
(S) Curves. Vertical and horizontal curves shall meet the State Highway Department standard.
(Ord. 78-1, passed - -; Am. Ord. 00-02, passed 6-13-00)