The objectives of the Recreation Board shall be:
   (a)    The development of a continuing, current "Parks and Recreation Master Plan" (as prepared by Messers Cope and Johnson, October 1973) for all age groups and interest levels within the City.
   (b)    The development of a financial program for the funding of current and future recreational areas and facilities. This includes local tax levies, fees, revenue sharing, Federal and State grants, land dedication, etc.
   (c)    The preparation of a comprehensive project plan for each individual project which implements the Master Recreation Plan. The Recreation Board shall be responsible for the application of local, State and Federal funding, whichever is applicable.
   (d)    The active coordination of: Parks and Recreation Planning Division of Ohio Department of Natural Resources; Planning Commission; Board of Education; Pike County Y.M.C.A.; Council; etc., in the implementation of their responsibilities. (Ord. 5-6-74. Passed 5-6-74.)