Except as otherwise provided by the Constitution of the State of Ohio or this Charter, the Council shall have and possess the following powers:
   A.    All the legislative powers of the City and all powers now or hereafter granted by the Constitution, and laws of the State of Ohio to legislative bodies of municipalities, and such other powers granted by this Charter.
   B.    The power to create, combine or abolish offices, departments, divisions, boards, or commissions of the City and the power to fix the number and qualifications of members, and the powers and duties, bonds and compensations of all officers and members, thereof;
   C.    The power to approve and confirm, or to disapprove and reject, the appointment or removal by the Mayor, of an officer or employee.
   D.    The power to establish the number of employees in the various departments of the City and to determine the qualifications, duties, bonds and compensation of such employees;
   E.    1.    The power to determine the method and procedure for making, awarding, advertising and enforcing contracts with the City, provided that when the expenditure of funds under any contract exceeds the amount specified by the laws of Ohio for which expenditures may be made without advertisement and bidding, such expenditure shall first be directed and authorized by ordinance passed by the Council, and the Auditor and Mayor, after approval by the Council, shall make a written contract with the lowest and best bidder after advertisement on the same day of each week for not less than two (2), nor more than four (4) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within the City.
      2.    Compensation of persons and employees, contracts with persons, firms or corporations for services requiring specialized skill, knowledge or training, need not be advertised, as hereinabove provided.
      3.    Expenditures required because of a real and present emergency need not be advertised and let after competitive bidding as hereinbefore provided when authorized by an ordinance adopted by a vote of five (5) members of the Council.
      4.    Modifications and changes to contracts awarded under competitive bidding and in excess of one thousand five hundred dollars, shall first be authorized by ordinance, but need not be advertised or let after competitive bidding.
      5.    The Council may authorize, by a majority vote of the Council and without bidding and advertising, as required by this Charter, the following: the acquisition or lease of real property; the purchase of used supplies, materials and equipment; the discharge of noncontractual claims against the City; the sharing of costs of construction, operation, maintenance and repair of facilities for joint use by the City and the State or political subdivisions of the State or their agencies; the purchase of materials, supplies or equipment from the State or political subdivisions of the State or their agencies; or the purchase of products or services of public utilities.
      6.    The Council may authorize the Mayor, or any other administrative officer, to enter into contracts requiring the expenditures of not more than one thousand five hundred dollars, but no other contract shall be made on behalf of the City unless authorized and approved by the Council. No contract shall be binding on the City unless the money required to meet the payment thereof has been appropriated by Council.
   F.    The power to determine the method, manner, consideration and procedure for the purchase of property on behalf of the City and the sale or disposal thereof;
   G.    The method, manner and procedure for making improvements and for levying and collecting assessments on property benefitted thereby; until such methods, manners and procedures shall have been provided by the Council, the general laws of Ohio pertaining to the levying of assessments shall be followed.
   H.    The power to expel or remove:
      1.    Any member of Council for gross misconduct, misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance in office, or for disqualification from holding office, or for conviction while in office of a crime involving moral turpitude, or for violation of his oath of office, or for persistent failure to abide by the rules of Council or for absence without justifiable excuse for three (3) consecutive regular meetings of Council;
      2.    The Mayor or Auditor for gross misconduct, malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance in office or for disqualification from holding, or for conviction while in office of a crime involving moral turpitude, or for the violation of his oath of office. No such expulsion or removal shall take place except on concurrence of five (5) members of Council, nor until the accused person shall have been notified in writing of the charge against him at least ten (10) days in advance of any hearing upon such charge, and until he or his counsel shall have been given the opportunity to appear before the Council and be heard, present evidence and examine witnesses appearing in support of the charge;
   I.    The power to levy taxes and incur debts subject to the limitations of the Constitution and general laws of the State of Ohio.
   J.    The power to adopt and provide for the enforcement of local police, sanitary and other similar regulations as are not in conflict with general laws.