(a) Wastewater.
(1) All improvements associated with construction of the sanitary sewer system infrastructure and related improvements including any extensions of the existing public system to serve the subdivision shall be the responsible of the Owner/Developer. Said improvements shall be in accordance with Part 9, Title Three, Chapter 937 of the Codified Ordinances of the Waverly, Ohio.
(2) Minimum Standards for the design and construction of wastewater related infrastructure shall comply with Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities, 2004 or current edition and referred to herein as “Ten States Standards, Wastewater” and Ohio EPA regulations.
(b) Potable Water.
(1) General.
A. A potable water distribution system including individual parcel service mains and pumping systems, transmission mains and storage, where applicable, shall serve to provide water supply and fire protection for the proposed subdivision. The existing potable water system shall connect to the existing public municipal water system.
B. All improvements associated with construction of the infrastructure and related improvements including any extensions of the existing public system to serve the subdivision shall be the responsible of the Owner/Developer. Said improvements shall be in accordance with Part 9, Title Three, Chapter 945 of the Codified Ordinances of the Waverly, Ohio.
C. Minimum Standards for the design and construction of wastewater related infrastructure shall comply with Recommended Standards for Water Works, 2012 or current edition and referred to herein as “Ten States Standards, Water” and Ohio EPA regulations.
(2) Water Mains and Related Appurtenances.
A. The standard minimum size of the water main shall be six inches (6") in diameter.
B. Water main pipe material shall be PVC C-900, ductile iron pipe, or as approved by the OEPA and Village. All fittings shall be ductile iron.
C. A gate valve shall be provided at each leg of all intersections or as approved by the Village to facilitate line isolation for future maintenance purposes. A fire hydrant and gate valve shall be provided at all dead ends.
D. Minimum cover for water lines shall be forty-two inches (42"). Water mains shall be laid so that at least ten feet (10') of horizontal distance and eighteen inches (18") vertical distance is maintained between the water main and sewer line.
E. Pipe bedding shall consist of clean, non-cohesive, granular material such as bank run sand, pea gravel, or #57 crushed limestone to 4-inches below the bell of the pipe.
F. The initial pipe backfill shall consist of clean, non-cohesive, granular material from the top of the pipe bedding line to 1-foot above the top of the pipe. The remaining backfill may be clean excavated material in areas outside of the roadway. In areas within 5-feet of the edge of the pavement, the remaining backfill shall be consistent with that of the initial backfill placed (full depth granular material).
G. Connection to an existing water main in service shall be performed by a wet (or hot) tap of the existing water main utilizing a water tapping sleeve and valve assembly of the appropriate diameter for the main line and branch connection.
H. Fire hydrants shall be provided in a radius of coverage of not greater than 500-feet in spacing between hydrants.
I. Hydrants and Valves shall be the type and model as required by the Village, Water Superintendent.
J. Concrete thrust blocking shall be provided at all pipe fittings, bends, or other appurtenances as necessary.
K. Before being placed into service, all new water pipelines shall be disinfected as per American Water Works Association (AWWA) C651-99, Standards for Disinfecting Water Mains.
(3) Service Lines.
A. Water service lines shall be installed consistent with Ten State Standards, Water. All water service lines shall be either HDPE 200 PSI (CTS) or Type K copper. All water service lines shall be protected from freezing and frost penetration, but in no case shall be installed less than forty-two inches (42") below the ground or pavement surface. Water services shall be constructed after the street is rough graded and prior to the installation of paved surfaces and curbs. A "W" shall be stamped on the face of the curb at the location of any water service tap.
B. Curb boxes shall be located within the tree lawn not less than two feet (2') behind the back of the curb. All curb boxes shall be adjusted to the finished ground surface. The Village may require an alternative location of curb-boxes and/or meter pits.
(4) Other Water System Infrastructure Required. Should a proposed subdivision require the construction of a booster pump station, water storage tank, or improvements to the water treatment plant; the improvements shall be closely coordinated with the Village from a very early stage in the development and reviewed on an individual basis depending on the magnitude of the project.
(c) Lighting. The Owner/Developer shall install street lights in each residential subdivision which contains a majority of lots with an individual lot width of two hundred (200) feet or less at the front property line. Such lights shall be located at each entrance (streets and walkways) to the subdivision and in each street intersection within the subdivision. In addition, wherever the distance between the two (2) adjacent street (walkway) lights would exceed five hundred (500) feet, then additional street lights shall be installed in such a manner that proper light intensity shall be provided and maintained.
(d) Private Utilities. Private utilities shall be installed in the designated easement locations as illustrated on the roadway typical sections for each type of street as illustrated in Appendix A unless otherwise approved by the Village. All private utilities shall be installed in accordance with the specific utility provider at no expense to the Village for providing these utilities to the proposed development.
(Ord. 65-2015. Passed 11-3-15.)