(a)   Title. These regulations shall be known and may be cited and referred to as the "Subdivision Design Standards, Village of Waverly, Ohio (Village)," and shall hereinafter be referred to as "Standards."
   (b)   Purpose.
      (1)   The purpose of good subdivision and land development site design is to:
         A.   Create a functional and attractive development, minimize adverse impacts, and ensure that a project will be an asset to the Village. To promote this purpose, the subdivision and/or land development shall conform to these Standards that are intended to result in a well-planned community without adding undue burden on the Owner/Developer.
         B.   Enact design controls that shall help insure the creation of convenient and safe streets, usable lots, spaces for public purpose, and will minimize the undesirable features of unplanned, haphazard growth.
         C.   To protect property from flood damage and channel erosion and to protect water resources from degradation resulting from accelerated storm water flows.
         D.   Ensure access to public utilities to help sustain a healthy and comfortable living and/or working environment for residential, commercial, and industrial develop alike.
         E.   Construct municipal systems which allow for cost efficient maintenance and to not create undue burden fiscally. Facilities shall safe and convenient access to the constructed infrastructure for maintenance.
      (2)   The Village Planning Commission (Planning Commission) has the responsibility for reviewing the design of each subdivision from early in the design development process for approval of the project plans to help insure that all the requirements of these Standards are addressed. However, the burden is solely placed upon the Owner/Developer to adhere to all Standards whether or not specifically identified by the Planning Commission during project review and approval.
   (c)   Applicability.
      (1)   This document applies to the design of residential, commercial, and industrial subdivisions located within the Village of Waverly and its jurisdictional areas as it pertains to minimum design Standards for streets, storm water runoff and flows, storm water conveyance measures, storm water control measures, erosion control, site utilities, and related standard drawings and reference design criteria.
      (2)   Storm water management standards are included herein for use in reference to single lot commercial, industrial, and/or multi-family residential developments where the a single entity or group owns the property and the improvements are privately owned and maintained rather than publicly owned and maintained. These Standards shall apply.
   (d)   Minimum Standards.
      (1)   This document establishes the minimum Standards for improvements and construction required for the infrastructure associated within a subdivision and other forms of land development. All infrastructure improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with these Standards and any other applicable standards and regulations as determined by the Village. It is the intent of this regulation to provide minimum guidelines as to the infrastructure required for land development. It is not intended to be comprehensive and detailed with regard to the general engineering practices required for implementation or a step by step procedural guide. It is the sole responsible of the professional designer to identify, employ, and execute the engineering tasks as required to comply with these Standards.
      (2)   In addition to these minimum Standards, consideration will be given to innovative solutions to achieve the same end goal of quality land development utilizing sound engineering principles as it relates to the infrastructure systems defined herein. Review and approval of such alternative solutions shall be granted by the Village as they deem appropriate in close coordination with the Owner/Developer from the early conceptual review stages of the project.
   (e)   Conformity with Proposed Plans. In the designing of infrastructure as described herein, the Owner/Developer shall ensure that all proposed designs for construction are prepared being cognizant of and taking into consideration any proposed plans for improvements to public infrastructure by the Village, Pike County, Ohio (County), or State of Ohio (State) through the alignment and placement of proposed infrastructure and right of way widths, easements, utilities and any other associated improvements. It is the sole responsibility of the Owner/Developer to contact the appropriate authorities and perform due diligence and research any proposed public improvements in the region of the proposed development which may impact site design and infrastructure alignment.
   (f)   Suitability of Land. Land shall not be subdivided or developed for the following causes.
      (1)   Development of land in flood designated zones contradictory to the Village Flood Control Regulations and/or FEMA, FIRM designations.
      (2)   Being unable to obtain adequate public water supply.
      (3)   Collection of surface ground water/poor drainage which is unable to be satisfactorily resolved.
      (4)   Inadequate traffic capacity on access roads
      (5)   Adverse rock formation or topography
      (6)   Any other feature likely to be harmful to the health, safety, or welfare of the future residents of the subdivision or the existing community at-large. Such lands shall remain undeveloped until such time as the conditions causing the unsuitability are corrected.
   (g)   Preservation of Land. In the subdivision of land, due regard shall be shown for preserving and maintaining the historic nature of that portion of the Village containing structures of historic significance or of historic character. Also, the natural features such as trees, brooks, hilltops, scenic views, and water features shall be preserved, where possible by developing the site to maximize the unique characteristics of the site.
   (h)   Survey Monuments. All surveys performed in relation to the subdivision shall be performed by surveyor registered in the State of Ohio. All surveys performed in the Village for new subdivision plats requiring the construction of new public improvements, easements, and rights of way shall conform to the requirements of the Pike County Engineer’s Office and as per the minimum Standards established in the Section 4733 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC).
   (i)   Inspections.  
      (1)   The Village or its designated representatives shall make periodic inspections during the installation of improvements to verify conformity with these Standards and other applicable regulations or as specified herein. However, inspections performed by the Village or its representatives do not remove the sole responsibility of the Owner/Developer or its contractors to construct the improvements according to approved specifications, regulatory permits, or to make the necessary field adjustments required for proper construction.
      (2)   Upon completion of all the improvements, the Owner/Developer and/or his contractor shall request, in writing, a final inspection walk through with representatives of Village and any other relevant private utilities and public entities.
   (j)   Traffic Control. Traffic control shall be provided by the Owner/Developer in accordance with the ODOT-Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (OMUTCD). A traffic control plan shall be provided by the Owner/Developer or his agent illustrating both permanent and temporary construction traffic control plans for review and approval by the Village.
   (k)   Bonding of Improvements. The bonding of construction associated with the improvements as included in this Standard shall be in accordance with Title Seven, Section 1169.08 of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Waverly.
   (l)   Applicable Regulations. Unless otherwise stated in herein, the following accepted Standards shall be employed during the design and construction of all improvements.
      (1)   Ohio Department of Transportation, Construction and Materials Specifications, current edition and referred to herein as “ODOT, CMS”. Also referred to as “ODOT, Item” when referring to a specific section of these specifications.
      (2)   Ohio Department of Transportation, Location and Design Manual, Volumes I and II, current edition, and referred to herein as “ODOT, L&D - Volume I or II”.
      (3)   Ohio Department of Transportation, Roadway Standard Construction Drawings, current edition and referred to herein as “ODOT, Standard Details”.
      (4)   Ohio Department of Transportation, Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, current edition and referred to herein as “OMUTCD”.
      (5)   Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities, 2004 or current edition and referred to herein as “Ten States Standards, Wastewater”.
      (6)   Recommended Standards for Water Works, 2012 or current edition and referred to herein as “Ten States Standards, Water”.
      (7)   Americans with Disabilities Act - 2010 and referred to herein as “ADA Regulations”.
      (8)   Manual for Rainwater and Land Development, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, 2006 and referred to herein as “ODNR, Manual for Rainwater & Land Development”.
      (9)   United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Technical Release No. 55 - Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, second edition June 1986 and referred to herein as “SCS-T55".
         (Ord. 65-2015. Passed 11-3-15.)