(MAJOR SUBDIVISION, MINOR SUBDIVISION, AND NON-RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION) Name of Subdivider: Date: Date: (The subdivider is the actual deed owner of the property proposed to be subdivided; if multiple owners exist, please provide a separate list of all names and addresses of owners with this application. In the event of Corporate Ownership, a list of all directors, officers, stockholders of each corporation owning more than five percent (5%) of any class of stock must be attached) Telephone #: Mailing Address: Email Address: Fax #: Proposed Name of Subdivision or Development: Parcel # of Original Tract to be subdivided or developed: Acreage of Original Tract: Location of Original Tract: Name of Surveyor to be used: Telephone #: Number of New Lots or Tracts to be created: Area of New Lots/Tracts: (sf) Proposed Use of New Lots or Tracts: I, ____________________ , hereby consent to the provisions of Codified Ordinances of the Village of Waverly, OH in regards to the approval or disapproval of this proposed subdivision and to render the applicable fees. I also hereby dispose and say that all of the above statements are true. For Village of Waverly Community/Economic Development Director Use Only Date Received: Zoning Classification of Tract Proposed for Subdivision: Allowed Use for District of Proposed Subdivision: Min. Lot size met for District or Subdivision in regards to new tract(s) and remaining original: Application: Accepted: _____ Rejected: ______ Reason for Rejection: Signature:
Date: _______________ (Director Community/Economic Development Director) Accepting of this application does not warrant approval of the final or preliminary plat but only the eligibility of the plat to be considered for approval as described in the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Waverly, OH. |
(Ord. 65-2015. Passed 11-2-15.)