Underground utilities shall be required for subdivisions within the subdivision jurisdiction of the Village and in accordance with power company requirements for construction of underground utilities. Unless specific approval is granted by the Planning Commission, all utility boxes shall be located in side or rear yards.
Public Street lights shall be required for all subdivisions within the corporate boundaries of the Village of Waverly. At a minimum, street lighting shall adhere to the following:
(a) Street lights shall be required for all subdivisions within corporate boundaries of the Village of Waverly, and for all subdivisions where the total number of residential lots exceeds ten (10), or where the lots average one hundred feet (100’) or less of frontage, as shown on the preliminary plat.
(b) Regardless of lot number or frontage width, streets lights shall be required at all street intersections for all subdivisions within the Village. The Planning Commission may, upon recommendation of the Village Engineer, require the Owner/Developer to make adequate provisions for the subsequent placement of additional street lights within the subdivision.
(c) Street lights and all appurtenances shall be installed by the Owner/Developer, and shall be of a type acceptable for cost effective service by the electric utility currently providing service to the Village.
(d) Illumination for public streetlights shall be uniform and shall follow the recommendations of the current Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Handbook. Generally, streetlights shall be located no less than two hundred (200') feet nor more than three hundred and fifty (350') feet apart. Lights shall be placed within two hundred (200') feet from the closed end of each cul-de-sac, and at each intersection.
(e) The location of all street lights shall be shown on the street construction plans.
(Ord. 65-2015. Passed 11-2-15.)