(a)   The design of the overall sanitary sewer system shall be in conformance with the requirements of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA), Section 937.11 of the Codified Ordinances of Waverly, and the most current edition of the Subdivision Design Standards for the Village of Waverly, Ohio.
   (b)   The Developer shall be required to prepare all permit applications and pay all fees applicable for submittal of plans to the OEPA for consideration of plan approval. Under no circumstances shall sanitary sewer construction commence without an effective Permit to Install (PTI) as issued by the OEPA.
   (c)   Sanitary sewer lines should be located in the street right-of-way, except under special conditions, when this requirement may be waived by the Planning Commission, upon recommendation by the Village Engineer. In such cases, a permanent easement of a width determined by the Planning Commission shall be provided for perpetual maintenance but shall not be less than thirty (30) feet and a temporary construction easement of fifty (50) feet.
   (d)   Sanitary sewer pumping stations shall only be permitted under the following conditions:
      (1)    It is demonstrated that access to an existing public sanitary sewer is not possible via gravity sewer. This shall include connection to an existing gravity sanitary sewer where obtaining of easements is necessary from adjoining property owners which would eliminate the need for a pumping station.
      (2)    The proposed sanitary sewer pumping station must provide service to a minimum number of single family dwellings in order to be financially feasible for maintenance and operation as determined by the Village.
      (3)    The proposed pumping station shall be located so that it may possibly be accessed by future adjoining properties either currently undeveloped or without public sewage. Easements shall be provided for future access to this pumping station to adjoining properties and the pump station shall be designed and configured on the site to accommodate future expansion as deemed necessary by the Village Engineer.
      (4)    All sanitary sewer pumping stations are designed with the logic that they may at some point in the future be eliminated by a future gravity trunk sewer. Such consideration shall be given in the design of the site configuration to facilitate future elimination should it occur.
   (e)   Building sewer service laterals shall be constructed at no expense to the Village. Before any building sewer lateral is constructed, a tap fee must be paid to the Village. Installation of building sewer lateral shall conform to Section 937.09.
(Ord. 65-2015. Passed 11-2-15.)