(a) Ingress to and egress from parcels created by a Minor Subdivision shall be gained by either an existing public street or an existing private street. In either case, the parcels created must adjoin the existing public or private street.
(b) Existing private streets used for access to a proposed minor subdivision cannot be opened (created), widened, or extended. There shall be no new private streets, lanes, or ways, nor any private easements used for purposes of access to any subdivision including subdivisions exempt from platting under Ohio Revised Code 711.131 and Chapter 1170.
(c) Any lanes, ways, or other access streets created as a part of the proposed subdivision are considered public streets and shall be constructed in accordance with Section 1171.05. Should a public street be proposed for construction in a subdivision, the subdivision shall be considered a Major Subdivision subject to the requirements of Chapters 1168 and 1169.
(Ord. 65-2015. Passed 11-2-15.)