Upon receipt of the recommendation from the Planning Commission and accompanying documents as detailed in Section 1169.04, the Clerk of Council shall notify the President of Council of receipt of the Final Plat and attachments thereof, who shall in turn direct the Law Director to prepare an ordinance of approval, “Attachment G” for the plat. The Village Law Director shall forward the ordinance to the Clerk of Council who shall enter the ordinance on the agenda of the next regular scheduled meeting.
Council reserves the right to disapprove the ordinance, however, only if one or more of the following conditions exists:
(a) There are major deviations in the final plat from the preliminary plat;
(b) The public improvements constructed prior to approval of the final plat are not in compliance with the Planning Commission approved construction plans and specifications required by this ordinance;
(c) The pending public improvements associated with the final plat are not supported by an engineer’s certified cost estimate, a performance bond (if applicable) is not provided, or the performance bond (if applicable) and the engineer’s estimate reflect different dollar amounts;
(d) A maintenance bond is not provided, or the maintenance bond and the engineer’s estimate reflect different dollar amounts;
(e) Unusual or extreme conditions within the immediate or surrounding area of the land to be subdivided have developed since approval of the preliminary plat that will contribute to an unsafe environment, putting at risk the peace, health and safety of the citizens of Waverly, Ohio if the subdivision proceeds;
If none of the above listed conditions so exist, Council shall approve the ordinance as per Council procedures. The Community/Economic Development Director shall upon receipt of the appropriate fee scheduled in this ordinance, stamp the Final Plat with the following statement:
“Village of Waverly
Planning Commission Approved
Village of Waverly, OH Ordinance #________
(Ord. 65-2015. Passed 11-2-15.)