Within 10 days of the receipt of a final plat and accompanying documents the Director shall review the plat to ensure that major deviations from the preliminary plat do not exist. Upon completion of the review, the Director shall either forward to the Owner/Developer agent a list of discrepancies, errors or omissions of the plat requiring revision, or if the plat is in compliance with the formerly approved preliminary plat, the Director shall forward the plat to the Planning Commission for approval. If the public improvements associated with the Plat are not completed at the time of final plat presentation, the Owner/Developer shall submit to the Director a performance bond in the amount of 100% of the Owner/Developer’s engineer’s certified estimate for all public improvements associated with the proposed subdivision. The Village shall also be granted the power to renew the bond 30 days prior to the expiration of the bond if deemed necessary by the Director. The Owner/Developer shall also provide a maintenance bond in the amount of 25% of the engineer’s estimate for all public improvements associated with the project. Bonding shall be per Section 1169.08.
(Ord. 65-2015. Passed 11-2-15.)