The Final Plat shall be prepared by a State of Ohio Registered Surveyor and shall be presented to the Director in the following format: One mylar (reproducible media) copy and six (6) hard copy paper sets all at a minimum size of twenty-four (24) x thirty-six (36) inches plats; and one electronic copy in AutoCAD file format compatible with the current version in use by the Village, and one electronic version in Adobe pdf format. The scale shall be measured so that one (1) inch represents no greater than 100-feet. More than one sheet with careful matching should be used where necessary, rather than the use of small scale maps. The plat shall contain the following information and as required by the Pike County Recorder:
   (a)    Name of the Subdivision by which it will be recorded and publicly marketed;
   (b)    The location of the subdivision by section, range, municipality, township, or other legal description, county and state; show all corporation lines and section lines.
   (c)    Name, address, and telephone number of the property owner, Owner/Developer, professional engineer, and professional surveyor with appropriate numbers and seals;
   (d)    Vicinity Map of a scale not less than 2,000-feet to 1-inch indicating the general location of the proposed development within the Village.
   (e)    Name of adjacent subdivisions, owners and parcel identification numbers of adjoining parcels, and location of common boundary lines of the proposed subdivision.
   (f)    Current Zoning of land to be subdivided;
   (g)    Lot boundaries with building setback lines, accurate dimensions of each lot to hundredths of a foot, and approximate total acreage of each lot to the hundredth. When lots are located on a curve, the lot width at the setback line should be shown.
   (h)    Number assigned to each lot of the proposed subdivision;
   (i)    The accurate location of all existing and proposed streets and alleys within the subdivision including names, bearings or angles of intersection, right-of-way, and pavement widths (back of curb to back of curb), lengths of all arcs, radii, points of curvature and tangent bearings. Also, show the location, name and width of the right-of-way and pavement for any known abutting street or alley.
   (j)    Where appropriate; county, township, municipal or section lines accurately tied to the lines of the subdivision by distances and angles.
   (k)    The accurate location of all easements, including widths, use of notations to indicate whether easements are dedicated or reserved and to show the limitations of each easement. Also show the same information for any known abutting easements. Easements are not necessary for utilities located within the public right-of-way.
   (l)   The boundary of any dedicated or reserved open space.
   (m)    Illustration of all survey monuments required by this Ordinance or minimum State of Ohio survey standards;
   (n)    Graphic scale, north directional arrow, and date of survey. The plat boundaries with lengths to hundredths of a foot and bearings to nearest second.
   (o)    Legal description of proposed subdivision as a whole;
   (p)    The total area of the subdivision in acres and fractions of an acre, including the acreage of land in lots, streets and other rights-of-way and land to be dedicated or reserved for public use. Also, shown the total linear feet of all streets and other rights-of-way.
   (q)    Protective covenants and deed restrictions, if any, for all sections of the plat.
   (r)    Certification that the applicant is the owner or agent of the owner, of the land under consideration, and acknowledgment by the owner, or agent of his adoption of the plat and dedication of the streets and public areas.
   (s)    Certification by the surveyor that the survey was made by him/her, or under his/her direct supervision, and that the details of the plat are accurate. He/she shall also certify that all monuments and property markers are correctly drawn and actually in place or will be placed.
   (t)    Other statements shall be included on the plat as required by the Pike County Recorder’s Office.
   Individual legal descriptions for each proposed lot are required by the Village and the
Pike County Recorder’s Office. A Pike County Lot Split form “Attachment F” is required to be signed by the Owner/Developer for each legal description.
   Also to be provided with the Final Plat submitted to the Director shall include the Permit to Install and approvals by the Ohio EPA for all proposed water and wastewater systems (if submitted prior to construction), performance and maintenance bonds as required by these regulations, and a copy of the construction plans and specifications for the project. If the improvements have been constructed at the time of the final plat submittal, the construction drawings shall be “As-Built” in the form of record drawings.
(Ord. 65-2015. Passed 11-2-15.)