Upon the completion of a public hearing, the President of Council shall direct the Law Director to prepare an ordinance, (Attachment E), of approval for the proposed subdivision’s preliminary plat. The Law Director shall cause the ordinance to be forwarded to the Clerk of Council who shall schedule the reading of the ordinance for the next regular scheduled meeting of Council. The ordinance shall be reviewed by Council in three readings at three consecutive regular sessions of Council. Upon completion of the third and final reading, if no findings are found against the plat warranting disapproval, the plat shall be approved. Upon approval, the Clerk of Council shall forward a copy of the ordinance to the Owner/Developer within thirty (30) days of its passage. Council shall reserve the right to disapprove the ordinance; however disapproval shall only be warranted if one of the following conditions exists:
(a) A clear and present danger shall be created that shall compromise the public, peace, health and safety of the citizens of Waverly if the proposed subdivision is allowed to proceed;
(b) The subdivision plat is in violation of this Ordinance or any other ordinance or component associated with the adopted Comprehensive Development Plan;
(Ord. 65-2015. Passed 11-2-15.)