The Community/Economic Development Director, or for purposes of this Ordinance, “the Director”, is the Owner/Developer’s first point of contact in relation to proposed subdivisions within the Village. These individuals are advised to contact the Director prior to submitting a plat for approval by the Village. Other specific responsibilities of the Director are:
(a) The maintenance, revision and distribution of this Ordinance;
(b) The maintenance of a permanent file of all plats processed, denied or approved by the Village and the Planning Commission;
(c) To process applications submitted to the Planning Commission and to correspond with the applicant regarding the proposed subdivision.
(d) The review of all plats submitted to the Village in order to ensure adherence to these regulations;
(e) Providing assistance to the Planning Commission and Village Council in reference to the enforcement of these regulations;
(Ord. 65-2015. Passed 11-2-15.)