If the Nuisance violation is not corrected within ten (10) days, then a Citation of a Nuisance shall be issued in writing to the Owner. This misdemeanor Citation of Nuisance shall be to the Owner of the real property or properties that are in violation of Section 521.13 for having a Nuisance violation. If the Owner is a trust, then the notice shall be to the offender's fiduciary or last known trustee. If the Owner is an incorporated entity or business, then the notice shall be to the offender's owner(s), member(s), president, and/or registered statutory agent. This citation to the Owner shall provide specific identification of the Nuisance condition(s) with a thirty (30) day opportunity to cure the Nuisance violation(s). If the Nuisance condition is remedied by the Owner to the satisfaction of Waverly's Safety Director, then no further action shall be taken. If the Owner provides a plan of action that meets the approval of Waverly's Safety Director, work commences within these thirty (30) days, and the plan of action is timely completed to the satisfaction of the Safety Director, then no further action shall be instituted. (Ord. 18-2013. Passed 3-19-13.)