Airports, or aircraft landing field
Blacksmith or welding shop
Cemeteries, including crematories and mausoleums in conjunction therewith if not located within 500 ft. of any dwelling
Churches, rectories and parish houses
Clubs or lodges (nonprofit), fraternal or religious institutions
Colleges and universities, including dormitories, fraternities, sororities and other accessory buildings and structures or trade schools
Filling of holes, pits or lowlands with noncombustible material free from refuse and food wastes
Grain elevators and storage
Hospitals and sanitariums
Institutions for the aged and for children
Junk yards and automobile wrecking yards, provided they are contained within completely enclosed buildings or screened by a solid wall or uniformly painted solid fence at least 12 ft. high
Livestock depots and sales yards
Milk depots
Milk processing and distribution, including pasteurizing and manufacture of ice cream but not including the processing or manufacture of cheese
Mining, loading, and hauling of sand, gravel, topsoil or other aggregate or minerals,
including equipment, buildings or structures for screening, crushing, mixing, washing, or storage, provided that: (1) no open pit or shaft is less than 300 feet from any public road, nor less than 500 feet from an existing residence or residence district established by this Ordinance; (2) all buildings or structures for the screening, crushing, washing, mixing, or storage are located not less than l,000 feet from an existing residence or any residence district established by this Ordinance; (3) the borders of the entire property are fenced with a solid fence or wall
at least six feet in height; and (4) a plan of development for the reclamation of the land is provided as part of the application for special exception.
The plan of development shall be accompanied by a written agreement between the owner or
his agent and the County, and a performance bonds in the amount equal to the cost of the reclamation of the land as set forth in the development plan
Outdoor amusement establishments, fairgrounds, carnivals, circuses, race tracks,
and other similar amusement centers, and including places of assembly devoted thereto, such as stadiums and arenas
Outdoor theaters (drive-in)
Parks, public or commercial
Penal and correctional institutions
Philanthropic and eleemosynary institutions
Planned developments and institutional developments
Private clubs or lodges, except those the chief activity or which is a service customarily
carried on as a business
Private recreational areas or camps, when not operated for profit
Public service sewage treatment plant
Public utility and public service uses, including: electric substations and booster stations; fire stations; police stations; public art galleries and museums; public libraries; telephone exchanges; repeater stations; micro- wave relay towers and stations, mobile transmitting towers and stations, antenna towers and other outdoor equipment essential to the operation of the exchange in the interest of public convenience and necessity; bus terminals or other public transportation terminal facilities; water filtration plans; water pumping stations; water reservoir and other similar uses
Radio and television towers, commercial
Rest homes, nursing homes, hospitals and sanitariums, institutions for the aged and for children, for human beings only
Riding academies and stables
Sales yards, wholesale or retail, for
agricultural products, including, but not necessarily limited to, fruits, vegetables, flowers, plants, etc.
Sanitary land fill, when operated or supervised by the County Board of Supervisors
Schools, day or nursery, public or private
Seasonal residential uses, summer cabins,
camps and cottages for seasonal and not permanent or year-round occupancy. The lot area and width of lot for such uses shall be as specified with the special exception permit but in no case shall the lot area be less than one acre.
Stadiums, auditoriums and arenas
Stone and gravel quarries and crushing, grading, washing and loading equipment and structures
Trailer or mobile home parks, provided that public or community sewer and water facilities are available for each trailer, and that each trailer site contains not less than 2,400 sq. ft.
of area, including parking space, but not including roadways.
Truck parking areas, the prime purpose of which is the loading and shipping of farm products, livestock, poultry, fertilizer, etc.
Telephone booths
Hotels and motels, including non-flashing business signs which have a gross surface area of not more than 100 sq. ft. Said hotels or motels shall not include restaurants or cocktail lounges, or any other retail business or service establishment
Hotels and motels, including restaurants and meeting rooms
(Ord. 10-16-67. Passed 11-20-67.)