In an M-3 District the following uses are permitted:
   (a)   Any use permitted in an M-2 District.
   (b)   Production, processing, cleaning, servicing, testing and repair, including the following uses and manufacturing of the following products:
      Automobile wrecking.
      Asphalt and asphalt products.
      Chemicals: including acetylene, aniline dyes, ammonia, carbide, caustic soda, cellulose, chlorine, carbon black and bone black, cleaning and polishing preparations, creosote, exterminating agents, hydrogen and oxygen, industrial alcohol, nitrating of cotton or other materials, nitrates, manufactured and natural, of an explosive nature, potash, plastic materials and synthetic resins, rayon yarn, pyroxylin, hydrochloric, picric and sulphuric acids and derivatives.
      Coal, coke and tar products, including gas manufacturing.
      Electric central station, power and steam-generating plants.
      Explosives, when not prohibited by other ordinances.
      Film, photographic.
      Gelatin, glue and size (animal).
      Incineration or reduction of garbage, offal and dead animals.
      Linoleum and oil cloth.
      Magnesium foundries.
      Metal and metal ores, except precious and rare metals: reduction; refining; smelting; and alloying.
      Paint, lacquer, shellac, varnishes, linseed oil and turpentine.
      Petroleum products, refining such as gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, lubricating oil and liquified petroleum gases.
      Ready-mix cement plants.
      Rubber, natural or synthetic.
      Soaps, including fat and oil rendering.
      Stock yards, slaughter houses and abattoirs.
      Wood, coal and bones distillation.
      Wood pulp and fiber, reduction and processing, including paper mill operations.
Any other production, processing, cleaning, servicing, testing and repair which conforms with the performance standards established in Section 1147.06 for M-3 Districts.
   (c)    Storage, including the following uses and materials or products:
      Goods used in or produced by manufacturing activities permitted in this district.
      Dumps and slag piles.
      Manure, peat and topsoil.
      Petroleum and petroleum products.
   (d)    Miscellaneous uses as follows:
      Railroad freight terminals, motor freight terminals, railroad switching and classification yards, repair shops and roundhouses.
      (Ord. 10-16-67. Passed 11-20-67.)