In a B-2 District the following uses are permitted, provided they are conducted wholly within enclosed buildings, except off-street parking and loading facilities; establishments of the drive-in type offering goods and services directly to customers waiting in parked motor vehicles, and uses specified below as permitted on an open lot:
   Any use permitted in a B-1 Business District.
   Amusement establishments, including permanent carnivals, kiddie parks, golf driving ranges, pitch and putt, miniature golf courses and other similar outdoor amusement facilities.
   Animal hospitals, kennels or pounds.
   Auction rooms.
   Automobile laundries.
   Bakeries, including the sale of bakery products to restaurants, hotels, clubs and other similar establishments when conducted as part of the retail business on the premises.
   Blueprinting and photostating establishments.
   Bicycle sales and repair.
   Building materials sales yards and storage.
   Bus passenger stations and terminals.
   Cartage and express facilities.
    Convention halls.
   Costume rental shops.
   Cutting of glass, mirror and glazing establishments.
   Dry cleaning establishments.
   Exhibition halls.
   Greenhouses, wholesale.
   Laboratories, medical, dental, research, experimental and testing, provided no production or manufacturing of products takes place and provided the performance standards of the M-1 District are complied with.
   Linen, towel, diaper and other similar supply services.
   Live bait stores.
   Model homes or garage displays.
   Monument sales.
   Newspaper distribution agencies, for home delivery.
   Parcel delivery stations.
   Printing and publishing of newspapers, periodicals, books and including letter process work.
   Radio and television broadcasting stations.
   Secondhand stores and rummage shops.
   Schools: commercial or trade, subject to the provisions of the performance standards established in M-1 Districts.
   Stadiums, auditoriums and arenas, open or enclosed.
   Storage, warehousing and wholesale establishments.
   Taxidermist shops.
   Undertaking establishments, funeral parlors or mortuaries.
   All R-4 General Residence District permitted uses.
   (Ord. 10-16-67. Passed 11-20-67; Adopting Ordinance.)