(a)    When circumstances arise which create a condition requiring the submission of a request for a variation to the Municipal Planning Commission it is important to enable the Commission to intelligently review the situation, that the facts and circumstance under which the request is submitted be fully presented to the Commission in the application.
   (b)    To assist an applicant in the preparation of a request for a variation there are sections which relate to requesting an ordinary variation; and to requesting a special exception variation.
   (c)    Persons desiring to submit a request for a zoning variation should be given an application form to complete along with a copy of the appropriate section to assist them in its preparation.
   (d)    In the case where a planned development application is to be submitted the Commission should be requested to specify the type of application that should be submitted.
   (e)    In any instance the Commission may require the submission of such additional facts, details and information as it considers necessary to assist the Commission in reaching an appropriate decision.
(Adopting Ordinance; Ord. 55-2010. Passed 9-21-10.)